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4 min read

Are You a BORED Passive Real Estate Investor?

Thu, Dec 19, 2024

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Do you find investing in real estate boring? If so, you’re on the right track. As a society, we’ve largely come to think of boredom as bad where busyness is lauded. Make no mistake – we’re not talking about the boredom that comes from laziness. It instead comes from avoiding impulsive decision-making based on hype, flash-in-the-pan opportunities that don’t provide financial stability.

Think of it as the difference between the stock investor who lets his investment accrue over decades, rarely touching the account, versus the avid day trader. We all know which one is more likely to lose it all!

Real estate investing should be boring. It equates to a disciplined, methodical, and risk-averse strategy yielding consistent and predictable results. While excitement might seem appealing, it often introduces unnecessary risk and emotional decision-making, sabotaging long-term success. Here’s why boring is better:

What Boredom Does for Passive Real Estate Investors

#1 –  Prioritizes Predictable Cash Flow

Exciting investments often come with speculative risks. The excitement comes from the potential for big, quick gains. The endorphin rush is probably like that of gambling! By contrast, boring investments focus on stable properties with steady rental income. They won’t turn you into an overnight millionaire – and that’s a good thing!

A single-family rental in a proven market might not be flashy, but it provides reliable returns over time that help build lasting, generational wealth.

#2 –  Reduces Emotional Decision-Making

A boring strategy emphasizes logic, data, and consistent practices, avoiding hype and emotional swings that can lead to poor decisions. You won’t wrestle with FOMO here because you have your sights set on what works, not what’s popular.

Ignore the “hot” markets everyone is chasing and instead focus on tried-and-true market fundamentals.

#3 –  Builds Long-Term Wealth

Real estate is inherently a long-term game. Exciting investments often prioritize short-term gains, while boring strategies focus on compounding wealth over time.

Gradually paying down mortgages while property values and rents appreciate might seem slow…and it is. But like the tortoise, it’s also steady. And that reliability is something investors can count on.

#4 –  Minimizes Risk

Excitement often correlates with high-stakes ventures (like speculative flips and untested markets). Our approach should instead lean on tried-and-true methods that minimize risk. Invest in well-researched, positive cash-flow properties rather than speculative development projects.

#5 –  Focuses on Systems and Consistency

Sometimes, change is necessary. But other times? Well, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it! Boring investors thrive on repeatable systems and routines that ensure ongoing success, even during market fluctuations. We won’t be industry innovators this way, but we will have the immense security of knowing what we’re doing and why in a predictable, rarely interrupted strategy. You’re much less likely to get a nasty surprise when you’re consistent!

#6 –  Avoids Fads and Hype

Chasing exciting trends can lead to bad timing and poor investments. A boring strategy avoids speculative bubbles. Remember, when most of us hear about a hyped investment asset or market, the wave has already reached its high point. Be boring and avoid the hassle and headache of trying to time things just right.

#7 –  Prioritizes Due Diligence

Excitement often leads to rushed decisions, while boring strategies focus on thorough analysis.

Spending weeks evaluating a property’s cash flow potential, market conditions, and rental demand before committing is the avenue that leaves little room for surprise. You know what you’re getting.

#8 –  Encourages Patience and Discipline

Successful real estate investing requires patience: waiting for the right deal, market timing, and compounding returns. Exciting investments often cater to impulsive behavior and that itchy feeling that we always need to be making money moves. That’s just not true. There are times to expand and times to wait!

Slowly build a portfolio of well-performing properties rather than trying to “get rich quick” through aggressive speculation.

#9 –  Aligns with Passive Investment Goals

This approach complements passive investing by requiring minimal day-to-day effort and reducing stress. Investing in turnkey properties with professional property management allows you to focus on other pursuits. Instead of putting out proverbial fires and getting lost in the weeds of property management, you can better consider the big picture!

#10 –  Allows You to Sleep at Night

A boring, predictable strategy reduces anxiety and uncertainty, providing peace of mind. Knowing your investments are in stable, cash-flowing properties makes it easier to weather economic downturns. Whatever you have to gain from “exciting” investments is worth trading for peace of mind, at least to us!

Boring real estate investing isn’t about lack of ambition. It’s about creating a sustainable, low-risk path to financial freedom. By focusing on fundamentals and avoiding unnecessary risks, you lay the foundation for sustainable, lasting wealth.

Our markets are vetted for passive, buy-and-hold investing.
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Chris Clothier
Written by Chris Clothier

Entrepreneur, writer, speaker, ultra-endurance athlete, husband & father of five beautiful children. Chris puts these natural talents on display every day. As a partner at REI Nation, Chris addresses small and large audiences of real estate investors and business professionals nationwide several times each year. Chris is also an active writer, weekly publishing real estate, leadership, and endurance training articles.
