is pleased to announce that Than Merrill, JD Esajian, Paul Esajian and Konrad Sopielnikow, stars of A&E’s Flip This House and founders of Fortune Builders, teamed up with Memphis Invest to host the Ultimate Cash Flow Buying Tour, a two day buying conference and tour in Memphis on July 9 - 10, 2010. The seminar brought 70 investors to Memphis from 18 states plus Canada and yielded a total of twenty nine Memphis investment properties sold.

Day one of The Ultimate Cash Flow Buying Tour was held at the East Memphis Hilton where guests had a chance to learn about investing in Memphis from the experts and an opportunity to network with the and Fortune Builder teams. Other teams were available to meet one on one to discuss the buying and investing process including property locators, closing attorneys, insurance agents, rehab specialists and investment property managers. Day two began at the East Memphis Hilton, where guests departed to tour available homes in the stages before, during and after the rehab process. Day three included a hosted tour of Elvis’ home, Graceland.
Over all, the investors who attended left with a very clear picture of investing in Memphis real estate and how a company like can make the investment process easy, affordable and stress-free. With their unsurpassed level of commitment to quality and service, Memphis Invest showcased the advantages of using a tun-key company to develop a truly passive and positive cash flow portfolio of investment properties. When you add in the educational opportunities of a partnership with the top real estate educational team in the industry, Fortune Builders, the two day seminar and bus tour weekends are opportunities not to be missed!
The next buying tour will be September 24 - 25, 2010. For more information, visit