REI Nation - Turnkey Real Estate Investing

How Valuable is Your Relationship with Your Turnkey Investment Company?

Written by Chris Clothier | Fri, Jul 27, 2018

For new real estate investors, the challenges of investing can cause a lot of stress and anxiety. When you’re delving into uncharted territory, you have to have someone you trust in your corner. That’s why it is so valuable for new investors to partner up with the right people. When it comes to investing in turnkey real estate, it is critical that on both sides, the relationship is of the highest priority.

Why does that relationship matter so much? At the end of the day, shouldn’t your money be what matters most? Or the investment properties?

Here’s why your rapport with your turnkey provider matters to your success.

4 Reasons Your Relationships with Your Turnkey Company Matters Most

You’re creating peace of mind.

Out of all of the advantages you gain from building up a real relationship with your turnkey provider, one of the most valuable is your own peace of mind. When you partner with a turnkey company who is invested in you and cares about how you feel, your comfort level, earning your trust, and making sure that you feel cared for and confident throughout the investing process, you can have peace of mind. The communication and the relationship-building element are key in making you comfortable and confident in your investments. If you don’t know and communicate with the people who are in charge of your investments, how can you feel secure?

When you value and nurture your relationship, you strengthen trust, which leads to peace and contentment.

Related Topic: Experience Matters Podcast - What Makes a Good Turnkey Company

You give yourself a rock-solid foundation.

When it comes to investing in real estate, starting on the right foot is critical. When you go into real estate investment with the mindset of building long-term relationships and not just long-term cash flow, you set the stage for your success. Relationships are at the heart of it all. When you build connections that last, you give yourself a network of support that will stay with you through thick and thin.

In real estate investment, your foundation starts with knowledge, but it is completed by your relationships. You can’t succeed if you aren’t surrounded by a strong network of support.

When you don’t know where to turn, when life takes your attention away from your investments, and when you need to know that there is someone who is in your corner and taking care of things, you need to know that your turnkey provider has it handled and that you don’t have to worry about it.

It’s that foundation that you need.

You leverage knowledge and expertise.

The learning curve in real estate investment is steep. There are so many schools of thought, so much nuance, and so many different disciplines and areas of expertise that are wrapped up in this business. For a new real estate investor, it can be overwhelming. Even if you’re taking baby steps and feeling good about your investments, you will inevitably run into something that makes you feel like you’re in over your head. That’s when you need to feel like you can call, ask questions, and rely on everything that your partner knows that you don’t.

When you have a strong working relationship, you can rely on and leverage the expertise that your turnkey provider carries without having to go through all of the trials, mistakes, and losses that other investors suffer.

You set yourself up for years of success from anywhere.

Relationships are designed to last in the long-term. A good turnkey company invests in their investors not just while they’re new, not just for the first few months, but for their entire tenure with them. That relationship can last years, even decades. For you as an investor, understanding the long-term nature of your relationship with a turnkey company is valuable because it allows you to set down roots from wherever you happen to be.

One of the great advantages of turnkey investing is being able to access markets all over the country and even the world, depending on where you are. Maybe your provider is thousands of miles away or across the ocean. If you’re entrusting your financial future to them not just for a moment but for years—building up your child’s college fund, or creating your dream retirement, don’t you want to have a worthwhile relationship with your turnkey company?

Don’t you want to trust them?

This is where it should click. When you’re putting your financial future in the hands of a turnkey investment provider, it shouldn’t just be about the market access or the cold hard facts. It should be about rapport and relationship, too.

Every investor deserves to feel secure, heard, and at home with their turnkey company.

Believe in your ability to succeed as a real estate investor but not sure where to start?