There are a lot of resources out there for real estate investors.We all have favorite books, blogs and podcasts. There’s so much out there, in fact, that is can be difficult to weed out the good from the bad: particularly when it comes to something like e-books.
One of the coolest gadgets to come out in the past few years is the Kindle and other e-readers. They provide on-the-go reading and books at a price that’s often considerably cheaper than that of print editions. On the downside, it’s fairly easy to get published Kindle e-readers. Their direct publishing system allows anyone to be published, increasing the author pool but decreasing, in many cases, the overall quality of options.
When you search “real estate investment” in the Kindle store, over 1,600 choices come up. That’s a lot! If you’re on the hunt for good Kindle books on investing in real estate, this list is a good place to start. Whether by public consensus of stellar reputation, these are just a few gems you can get right now:
5 Standout Kindle E-books on Real Estate Investment
How to Get Financing on Multiple Investment Properties — Mark Ferguson
Brought to us by Mark Ferguson of Invest Four More, this e-book is only available on Kindle. This book tackles the dilemma many investors face when going the bank route for financing: after a certain point, most banks will stop approving mortgages for you. Mark, who deals with over 10 rental properties and flips houses throughout the year, does it all through bank financing. With a look at everything from private money and refinancing to best using your financing to increase returns, Mark provides a solid overview of financing when working with more than a handful of properties.
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“This book reinforces good investment principals and shows Mark's honest approach through sharing his experiences and changes along the way. My wife and I are at the stage of investing where this info is very timely and encouraging. If you are wanting to invest in single family homes, Mark shares the tools to get it done.” —Marc Axum
Big Profits from Small Properties: How to Achieve Financial Independence by Investing in Real Estate — Michael E. Heeney
This is a great book for beginners especially, but it also makes for a good refresher for any investor. Michael’s advice is down-to-earth and practical, offering a step-by-step guide to financial independence through investing in real estate. His approach shows that anyone can get involved. He talks not only real estate investment principles like objectives, types of properties, financing and smart renovations, but solid advice on dealing with tenants, finding the right properties and sellers, and more.
While this shouldn’t be a beginner’s only resource, it’s still an excellent overview and introduction into what makes the real estate investment business tick.
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“This book is a good place to start your education on property investment...It is clearly written, and is easy to follow. Some of the material provided, like a how to calculate profitable properties using formulas are helpful...It is a simple read, that gets the reader thinking more seriously about how to make a profit, but additional material is needed before you take the property for profit plunge.” —Brian Palmucci
Real Estate: Investing Successfully for Beginners — F.R. Commerce
This is another e-book for novice real estate investors, and one that tries to lay out what all investors need to know going in a very digestible, impartial way. This book’s strong point is in providing an easily accessible overview of how real estate investment works, and remains a good resource to go back to from time to time. It also covers common mistakes beginners make. This book is also available in a print edition, not just on Kindle.
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“Great baseline read for those curious about investing. Not pushy towards any specific strategy and provides lots of credible resources to get more info from. Worth your time if you want to get more serious about how to get your money working for you in the market.” —Nisha
50 Simple Secrets to Be A Happy Real Estate Investor — John Fedro
Sometimes we get so caught up in being an investor that we forget how to be happy while we’re doing it. This book is less about business strategies and more about helping investors find personal fulfillment while maximizing their profitability. It covers topics like increasing focus, productivity, refining your sales funnel, increasing your network, and improving family relationships. It’s daily good habits, not the thrill of the deal, that will build a strong foundation for success. Though a quick read, it’s full of actionable steps for any investor.
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“I enjoyed reading this book and feel it provided helpful information. The best part is all of the helpful links that go into greater detail about each topic. It is well organized and covers lots of info really quick while giving options to dig deeper. Glad I read this one!” —C. Drake
An Introduction to Real Estate Investment Deal Analysis — J Scott
This is another great resource for new investors, and a good reminder for the seasoned veterans. Scott (of 1-2-3 Flip) is one of the most recognized flippers in the country, but this book isn’t just good for flippers. This one is all about getting into the financial nitty-gritty to figure out if your property is a good deal or not. He provides details on all of the need-to-know formulas and calculations for any investor.
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“Great read! Really breaks down how to analyze deals and the definition of terms is a huge help. Quick and to the point.” —Brittany
What real estate investment e-book would you recommend? Share your favorites with us in the comments.