There are a lot of resources out there for real estate investors.We all have favorite books, blogs and podcasts. There’s so much out there, in fact, that is can be difficult to weed out the good from the bad: particularly when it comes to something like e-books.
One of the coolest gadgets to come out in the past few years is the Kindle and other e-readers. They provide on-the-go reading and books at a price that’s often considerably cheaper than that of print editions. On the downside, it’s fairly easy to get published Kindle e-readers. Their direct publishing system allows anyone to be published, increasing the author pool but decreasing, in many cases, the overall quality of options.
When you search “real estate investment” in the Kindle store, over 1,600 choices come up. That’s a lot! If you’re on the hunt for good Kindle books on investing in real estate, this list is a good place to start. Whether by public consensus of stellar reputation, these are just a few gems you can get right now: