A Real Chance To Show Off Memphis Real Estate
Memphis Invest just concluded their 5th Memphis In May With Memphis Invest real estate weekend and I can say with all humility that this years' event was the best by far! We had the largest group of investors we had ever hosted, which presented a lot of challenges for us from logistics to presentation and simply hosting in general. We always want everyone to feel like they are the only real estate investor in the room and judging from the comments, thank you's and emails we have already received since the event ended on Saturday, I think we achieved our goals!
I wanted to share part of a quick note we received from TJ Harrington, one of the 120+ investors in town to visit Memphis Invest. He sent this email early this morning and to say his words were appreciated would be a tremendous under statement:
Hi Chris
I accomplished all my goals for coming to the Memphis Invest program.
I was so impressed with you, your family and all the employee's at Memphis Invest that it's renewed my enthusiasm so much that I'm ready to start building my new Real Estate Investment Agency. My attorney is in the process of setting up the new name and LLC USA Investors Realty, LLC.
About 6 yrs ago I searched for a company in the US that I could model my company after and I chose Memphis Invest and I've been using many of your ideas to build my Company here in Rochester ever since.One of my goals coming to Memphis Invest was to observe first hand if this was a company I personally would buy Investment Properties from. The answer is yes I would. In fact I will implement in the coming months your model of Memphis Invest into my business practices here in Rochester to a greater degree.I have about 70 Investor owners right now from the US, Canada, Australia, England, Ireland and Israel that own properties in Rochester NY that I have purchased for them in the past and currently manage their properties.I'll keep you posted on how my progress is coming.Thank you and all those at Memphis Invest for the last 3 days. All of you at Memphis Invest have re-lit my enthusiasm for building my business again.
That email, and others like it, are the reason we hold these events twice a year here in Memphis and now Dallas. It gives not only investors who have done their due-diligence on real estate investing a chance to see how a great company operates, but it also gives other entrepreneurs a chance to view our company from the inside as well as hear some of our philosophies on business, service, team and business development. We love hosting other turnkey real estate companies who want to learn the right way to build a business.

As the leading Memphis turnkey real estate company, we alway shave sales at an event like this and this year was no different as 17 properties were sold in addition to three multi-unit buildings. But, that is a result of everyday business that simply occurs at the event with investors who are already familiar with our company or who are current investors. The focus is on education and preparation for investors who want to invest in Memphis Turnkey properties as passive real estate investments at some point in the future.
If you missed all the fun...don't worry! Our offices are open to investors every week of the year and we host events like our May celebration twice a year. Everyone is welcome - just bring a great attitude for some friendly fun and southern hospitality! Thanks again to everyone who joined us this weekend and we'll see you again soon...