When you’re a green real estate investor, it’s not always obvious what is and isn’t a good investment opportunity. In fact, even experienced investors can be bamboozled by a bad property or a shady deal. With inflation the highest it’s been in decades, you have more to lose by taking on the wrong investment.
3 min read
8 Clues You Should Skip a Potential Investment Property
By Chris Clothier on Wed, Mar 2, 2022
3 min read
6 Ways Real Estate Investors Sabotage Their Own Success
By Chris Clothier on Tue, Mar 1, 2022
Sometimes investors are their own worst enemy. It isn’t always market conditions, the economy, or a dud property that brings your real estate investing success to a grinding halt.
3 min read
12 Red Flags When Evaluating a Rental Property
By Chris Clothier on Tue, Jan 4, 2022
Real estate investors constantly flex their analytical muscles. From the physical to the financial, diligent evaluation of every investment opportunity not only sets the stage for success but avoids big problems.
3 min read
Avoid These 5 Common Passive Investment Missteps
By Chris Clothier on Wed, Feb 26, 2020
No one said investing would be easy. Any ace investor will recount the mistakes they’ve made on their way to financial freedom. When it comes to real estate investing — particularly passive investing — we often underestimate the risks and potential pitfalls in front of us.
3 min read
Avoid the Mistakes Even Experienced Investors Make
By Chris Clothier on Wed, Sep 11, 2019
When we think about the mistakes made in real estate investment, we usually talk about them as if they are exclusive to new or inexperienced investors. However, it would be a mistake to assume that experienced investors don’t have their own missteps as well. Every investor should be on guard — striving to mitigate their risk and grow their portfolios.
4 min read
Busting 5 More Investing Myths for Your Financial Health
By Chris Clothier on Fri, Mar 1, 2019
Conflicting information about finances can be a source of anxiety and strain on anyone's bank account. When you're trying to invest and plan for retirement, the swath of information out there can cause confusion and costly mistakes. When you're looking for financial and investing wisdom, it's important to discern fact from fiction.
5 min read
6 Dangerous Mindsets Passive Investors Must Change to Succeed
By Chris Clothier on Wed, Jul 18, 2018
Success in real estate investment is often hard-won. It comes with a lot of time, dedication, and commitment. There’s so much planning and strategizing that goes into it. There can be setbacks, heartbreak, and frustrations along the way. Lessons are learned. We grow not just personally, but professionally.
4 min read
4 Setbacks Keeping You from a Million-Dollar Real Estate Portfolio
By Chris Clothier on Tue, Jul 3, 2018
Do you wonder why you aren’t accomplishing your financial goals faster? Frustrated that you haven’t achieved that million-dollar real estate portfolio yet? Investing in real estate is an incredibly rewarding experience full of opportunities and the potential for financial freedom beyond that of any other investing avenue. That said, there will always be some troubleshooting involved if you want to make the most of your investing experience.
4 min read
Solving 3 Big Reasons New Real Estate Investors Struggle
By Chris Clothier on Tue, Jun 26, 2018
Embarking on a new venture is always fraught with some level of struggle. Whether it’s late nights up worrying about the right next steps, whether or not your choices were the right ones, or wrestling with your own limitations and inexperience, it’s just a tough time.
This is certainly true as it relates to new real estate investors.
5 min read
4 Fatal Mistakes Newbie Real Estate Investors Make
By Chris Clothier on Wed, Aug 3, 2016
Every real estate investor starts off somewhere, and that somewhere usually comes with more than a handful of mistakes. Many small, some large and very costly. It’s all part of the journey! Growing pains are just part of investing in real estate and a fact of life, no matter where you go or what you do.
That said, there are some mistakes that can be devastating for new real estate investors—potentially ending an investor’s career before it’s even started.
Granted, nearly every mistake we’re going to mention can be turned around and salvaged for an investor willing to put in the work and effort necessary to push through and bounce back.
Some, however, may take more work than others to overcome.