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Turnkey Real Estate Investing

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12 Fundamentally Misunderstood Financial Concepts Investors Must Master

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Oct 22, 2024

Even elementary financial concepts are commonly misunderstood. We all had the wrong idea at some point or another. There’s no shame in that – only in refusing to learn better! Some commonly misunderstood financial concepts could hold you back from building lasting wealth!

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3 Indicators Mortgage Rate Cuts Will Impact a Market

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Oct 17, 2024

Mortgage rates have already fallen at least a percentage point below their 2024 peak. Cuts are expected to continue through the end of the year and on into 2025. Many of us have been waiting for this – something that will finally jog the frozen real estate market and get us towards more palatable conditions.

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What Actually Drives the Real Estate Market?

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Oct 15, 2024

The Average Joe likely looks at the real estate market of 2024 in shock and awe. Prices are high, but mortgage rate cuts promised to bring everything back into balance. Meanwhile, data shows that the real estate market remains frozen, with only a tiny percentage of homes on the market changing hands.

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This is How Investors Solve the Riddle of Rental Turnover

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Oct 10, 2024

Rental property turnover: the bane of an investor’s existence.

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When Real Estate Investors Should Make Insurance Claims

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Oct 8, 2024

Insurance feels, in many ways, to be a necessary evil. Not only is insurance largely required, whether on a car or a property, but it can also seem like paying for nothing until you actually need it. And even then, many of us have experienced the headache of trying to make a claim and get a promised payout.

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10 Disastrous Investment Decisions That Seem Like a Good Idea

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Oct 3, 2024

Inexperienced investors are more likely to rely on their own sense of logic and reason instead of following tried-and-true financial advice. After all, certain investment strategies seem strange and counterintuitive to the uninitiated. But make no mistake – our instincts are prone to lead us astray regarding financial wisdom.

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What a Construction Boom Means for U.S. Real Estate

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Oct 1, 2024

Could a construction boom be on the way for 2025? Some experts seem to think so. Our friends at Bigger Pockets are also discussing the possibility – foreseeing the lower rates will kickstart construction activity – if not in 2025, certainly within the next five years.

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What Emerging Home Building Trends Mean for Investment Properties

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Sep 26, 2024

For the most part, real estate investors aren’t interested in “trendy” homebuilding. Our focus is usually on function and longevity, not style. This isn’t to say investment properties don’t look nice – but they tend to be renovated for timelessness, not flash-in-the-pan appeal.

But we’re not talking about choosing fancy backsplashes or the right paint color for some HGTV dazzle. Investors should pay attention to building trends – including materials, home styles, layouts, and amenities. These give us insight into what buyers – and, in turn, renters – want in a home.

These are the trends (sourced from U.S. News) to watch and consider when making rental property renovations.

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Are “Hot” Real Estate Markets All They’re Cracked Up to Be?

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Sep 24, 2024

What does it mean to say a real estate market is “hot”? Should investors even care?

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Recessions May Be the Ideal Time to Invest in Real Estate

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Sep 19, 2024

Are we headed for a recession? Research from J.P. Morgan has raised the probability to 35% for a U.S. recession by the end of 2024, with unchanged odds at 45% for 2025. Those aren’t percentages to sneeze at. Even if a recession doesn’t come soon, it’s still on the horizon.

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6 Guiding Principles to Avoid Real Estate Investment Fraud

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Sep 17, 2024

One of the biggest real estate investment fraud schemes in recent history has been exposed. Wells Real Estate Investment promised investors that their money would be used to buy, renovate, and develop commercial and residential properties across South Florida. Instead, they gambled $28 million of $58 million in investor funds on speculative options and futures trading.

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When Should SFR Investors Refinance?

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Sep 12, 2024

Mortgage data from Freddie Mac suggests that, as inflation slows, interest rates will continue to slide back down. And no – we’re not going to see 3% rates any time soon – but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth your while to revisit your existing mortgages! But when should real estate investors look to refinance? And how do they know it’s the right time?

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The Active VS Passive Real Estate Investment Breakdown

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Sep 10, 2024

What is the best way to invest in real estate? While an investor can utilize numerous strategies and approaches to pursue financial freedom, it starts with one debate: active versus passive investing.

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Everything You Need to Know About Maximizing Investment Property Equity

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Sep 5, 2024

ATTOM, a curated real estate data titan, recently released the second quarter 2024 U.S. Home Equity & Underwater Report. And if you own property in the United States, things are looking up. 49.2% of mortgaged residential properties are considered “equity-rich.” This means these properties have a combined estimated loan balance under half of the property’s estimated value.

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7 Wise Principles for Scaling Your SFR Portfolio

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Sep 3, 2024

Every real estate investor starts with one property, but then what? Scaling your portfolio can feel as daunting as buying that first property. Some investors fear branching out into new markets or neighborhoods, worry about over-leveraging, or cringe at the thought of making a costly error. That’s all natural.

But at the end of the day, the only way to grow substantial wealth – the kind that leads to financial freedom – is to add properties to your portfolio.

When you do so with diligence, wisdom, and the right support in place, you put yourself in the best position possible to succeed.

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9 Red Flags Investors Should NEVER Ignore When Buying a Property

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Aug 29, 2024

What made you immediately decide not to buy something you were considering? A bad review? A greater expense than anticipated? Unfortunately for us real estate investors, there are no reviews for potential properties. Thankfully, there are red flags that help us know when a real estate deal is less than ideal.

Turnkey investors have an advantage here – their turnkey partners have plenty of experience identifying and vetting ideal investment properties. But that doesn’t mean you’ll always go this route. Regardless of your investment strategy, it’s good to know what red flags to look for…if only so you can ask informed questions!

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10 Ways Real Estate Investors Benefit from Failure

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Aug 27, 2024

With the 2024 Paris Olympic Games underway, we’re enamored with the Olympian spirit. Truly, fewer people are more resilient and dedicated on the planet! But as hard as these athletes train with blood, sweat, and tears, not everyone will win the gold. There will be failure and heartbreak.

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6 Valuable Lessons from the Florida Real Estate Nightmare

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Aug 22, 2024

To our Floridian readers out there, fair warning: we’re about to pick on your state a little.

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12 Compelling Reasons to Invest in Single-Family Rental Properties

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Aug 20, 2024

Out of all the investment opportunities in the world, why invest in single-family rental properties? After all, it’s not the hottest or most exciting asset. But there’s a reason people have employed this investing method – with great success – for decades. Individual investors have specific goals: early retirement, financial freedom, generational wealth-building, etc.

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This is the Wisdom Behind Holding Real Estate Long-Term

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Aug 15, 2024

Morgan Stanley recently called homeowners “strong hands” in the real estate market. Strong hands refer to those with the financial means and capacity to hold onto their assets long-term. They withstand market volatility and downturns.

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7 Essential Qualities in an Ideal Rental Property

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Aug 13, 2024

When we talk about what makes a property an ideal rental, we often end up citing factors around the property rather than the qualities of the house itself. Things like location and proximity to amenities are of utmost importance – but it doesn’t mean any ol’ property in a good location will make a good rental.

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Real Estate Showdown: Short- Versus Long-Term Rentals

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Aug 8, 2024

In the sea of real estate investment asset types and strategies, two tend to pique the public’s interest more than others: short-term and long-term rentals. But how do these two stack up against one another?

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7 Skills that Shape Success as a Real Estate Investor

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Aug 6, 2024

What does it take to succeed in real estate investment? We’re sure you can think of plenty of skills and qualities. Honestly, so can we! But we want to boil it down to the essentials. Remember, hope is not lost if you’re not exceptionally skilled in these areas. Anyone can hone and enhance these skills to fuel their effectiveness as a real estate investor. And, for simplicity’s sake, we’re mainly referring to buy-and-hold SFR investing.

While these qualities apply on a broader scale, that’s the context we’re operating in, so that’s the kind of investing we’re speaking into!

Here are the skills you need to master:

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Busting 5 Myths About Earning Passive Income

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Aug 1, 2024

In the information age, misinformation is a big problem. Plenty of people say whatever it takes to earn a buck, stir up controversy, or gain notoriety. It’s no different in the crowded world of financial and investment content. Take a look, and you’ll find your fair share of financial gurus offering empty, inactionable advice. And from people like that come plenty of myths…namely about earning passive income!

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8 Ways to Teach Your Kids About Wise Investing

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Jul 30, 2024

Every parent wants to see their child better off than they were. Setting our children up for financial success involves more than what we leave them in the will. It’s what we teach them – how to steward, grow, and preserve their wealth.

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What Makes a Housing Market Riskier Than Others?

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Jul 25, 2024

As the real estate market cools and potentially slides into a downturn (which is natural and not the same as a crash, mind you), investors must examine their risk exposure. New data from ATTOM shows that Southern and Midwestern markets are at the least risk for a serious downturn overall.

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3 Ways the Post-Pandemic Real Estate Market is Changing

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Jul 23, 2024

2020 turned the real estate market as we know it on its head. While the fundamental rules of the business stayed the same, there’s no denying that the housing market reacted unpredictably. That’s not surprising in light of the uncharted territory of a global pandemic.

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6 Ways to Take the Speculation Out of Real Estate Investment

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Jul 18, 2024

By nature, real estate investing isn’t a particularly speculative investment. While the level of speculation varies among investment strategies, real estate will always be more sure (and secure!) than betting on the stocks of unproven start-ups. At the same time, real estate investors may fall into speculative habits – habits that ultimately increase risk.

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4 Reasons to Bet on SFRs Despite Market Challenges

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Jul 16, 2024

This year, you might have heard some discouraging things about the real estate market. Naysayers have debated the feasibility of SFR investing when real estate prices are at an all-time high. Various legislative efforts might change the real estate landscape. Here’s the thing – it’s not that real estate investing is a bad idea. It’s more about perspective.

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6 Essential Steps to Establish Your SFR Emergency Fund

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Jul 11, 2024

Have you ever watched a trapeze act? Performers dazzle crowds with their impressive aerial feats. They balance, swing, and fly through the air! These acts are entertaining no matter what, but some feel the need to up the ante by removing the safety net. The tension – and entertainment – comes from the knowledge that a single mistake could mean serious injury…even death!

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The Pre-Investment Checklist for Aspiring SFR Investors

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Jul 9, 2024

Before embarking on a new and potentially risky venture, you must be adequately prepared. You wouldn’t go on a long trip without packing a suitcase! And the most experienced travelers know that a checklist ensures all the essentials get packed.

In the same way, real estate investors must prepare before they start their investment journey. It’s all too easy for inexperienced investors to get in over their heads. It takes solid preparation to set the stage for success – do you know what you need to do?

Never fear – we’re here to give you the definitive checklist for preparing for your first real estate investment.

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How to Make Up for Lost Time in Real Estate Investment

By Chris Clothier on Fri, Jul 5, 2024

Are your investment goals out of reach as a “late bloomer” investor? Sure, in this business, time is of the essence. The sooner you can get started, the better. That doesn’t mean you’re disqualified from real estate investment success if you don’t start until your forties, fifties, or beyond!

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7 Things Elite Real Estate Investors Do Differently

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Jul 2, 2024

Anyone can be a real estate investor. But elite investors – those who genuinely excel and build lasting wealth through real estate – are built different. It’s not that they have some innate greatness or skill that others lack. Instead, they have the drive and discipline to establish habits that bring their investment success to new heights.

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6 Red Flags to Watch for in Investment Markets

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Jun 27, 2024

Picking the right investment market can be tricky. There are tons of factors that contribute to an area’s potential…or downfall. Real estate investors know the power of location – but picking the right places to own property isn’t always easy. Sometimes, seemingly beneficial qualities, like rapid property appreciation, can backfire when the market becomes untenable to buyers and renters. 

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Cash is Dethroned. Long Live Leverage!

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Jun 25, 2024

We’ve all heard, “Cash is king.” The phrase was coined in 1980 by author George N. McLean as a business maxim: “Avoid credit, remembering that cash is king, credit is a slave.” The phrase reemerged and grew in popularity with the 1987 stock market crash. We’ve seen plenty of professionals and investors hold to this philosophy since.

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Smart Ways to Secure Lower Property Insurance Premiums

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Jun 20, 2024

Insurance is one of society’s necessary evils. So many times, paying our premiums seems like a waste…until we have to make a claim, that is! Whether we like it or not, property insurance is an unavoidable expense in real estate investing. And with insurance premiums set to hit a record high in 2024, investors are feeling the cash flow squeeze.

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Are Newly Constructed Properties Worth Investing In?

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Jun 18, 2024

New construction is divisive in the world of real estate, whether you’re an investor or a traditional homebuyer. Some are attracted to the totally turnkey nature of new builds. Others are skeptical of the quality of modern construction and developing markets.

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9 Topics to Discuss with a Financial Advisor BEFORE Buying a Property

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Jun 13, 2024

Every investor benefits from the counsel of a financial advisor. Ideally, your advisor knows you, what you want and need, and the essential aspects of your investment strategies. Their perspective and know-how help construct effective action plans and mitigate risk along the way.

But advisors aren’t just there for big-picture talk. Before you move forward with a property acquisition, consult your advisor to ensure you’re making the best decisions possible for the health of your investment portfolio.

As a passive real estate investor, here are some key topics to cover:

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5 Ways SFR Residents Factor Into Your Success

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Jun 11, 2024

If you were to ask a room of SFR investors what the most crucial factor in success was, you would get a whole array of answers: the location, the property itself, the property management, accurate number-crunching…the list goes on!

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Pro VS Con: Financing Options for Turnkey Investors

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Jun 6, 2024

What’s the best way to buy an investment property? Just as there are many investment strategies, various financing options are at your disposal, each with drawbacks and benefits. While we certainly have avenues we recommend more than others, every investor should be well-informed about every option.

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It’s Worth Your While to Invest for the Long Haul

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Jun 4, 2024

Real estate investment is an enormously varied industry. Different types of properties, countless markets, real estate classes, and strategies are involved. On one hand, this is beneficial because just about anyone can find an approach that works with their financial goals. On the other hand, so much variety can be daunting!

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The Ugly Truth About Turnkey Investing

By Chris Clothier on Thu, May 30, 2024

Imagine this: you’re a new real estate investor. You want passive income. So you set your sights on a turnkey property requiring no renovations or lead time before you find a resident and start earning sweet, sweet cash flow. Only one problem: you decided not to use a property manager.

You may think to yourself – is that really a big deal? People landlord for their properties all the time! How hard can it be?

While taking on landlord responsibilities is something people do, you must be sure it fits into your vision of investing in real estate. Going in unprepared is a recipe for failure. You can have a pristine, beautiful turnkey property, but without proper management, it can all be a big waste of time and money.

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Why Millennials Are Investing in Turnkey Real Estate

By Chris Clothier on Tue, May 28, 2024

Millennials are a diverse demographic. Today, they’re between the ages of 27 and 42, between young adulthood and nearly middle-aged. Trust us; we’ve heard plenty of discourse about millennials and the housing market over the years.

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How to Experience High ROI in Turnkey Real Estate

By Chris Clothier on Thu, May 23, 2024

Everyone wants a good return on their investments. What ROI looks like in practice depends on the investment you’re examining. Your ROI can look at your whole portfolio or a singular property renovation. Regardless, the formula is simple:

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Avoid Your Own Turnkey Horror Story

By Chris Clothier on Tue, May 21, 2024

If you search the Internet for “worst renter stories” or terms like it, you’re bound for hours of jaw-dropping, stomach-churning entertainment. It’s like watching a train wreck. And while as fun as a bit of schadenfreude can be, no real estate investor goes into this business wanting their own horror story.

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What It Means to Invest in Tax-Friendly Markets

By Chris Clothier on Thu, May 16, 2024

In most cases, passive real estate investors aren’t in it solely for cash flow. One of the best reasons to invest in SFRs is simple: you reap rewards from cash flow, appreciation, and tax benefits. The taxes, in fact, are one of the main reasons people choose real estate!

But what are those benefits? And what should investors look for in individual investment markets? After all, local and state taxes can significantly impact the effectiveness of these policies. Here’s what you need to know!

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5 Strategies Investors Use to Fight Rising Insurance Rates

By Chris Clothier on Tue, May 14, 2024

Though passive investors may not be involved in the day-to-day operations of their rental properties, they have plenty of responsibilities. One such responsibility is in managing and maximizing cash flow. This task starts from the outset as you weigh the cost of a rental property and its ongoing expenses against cash flow potential. But it doesn’t end there!

Those ongoing costs tend to increase over time – and part of your job is mitigating those increases to best preserve and maximize passive income.

Further Reading: Top Tips for Increasing the Profitability of Your Investment Properties

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8 Tactics for Improving Resident Retention in Your SFRs

By Chris Clothier on Thu, May 9, 2024

Resident retention is the investor’s best avenue to reliable cash flow. Vacancies cost money – costs for lost rental income, preparing for the next resident, and marketing the property, to name a few! As a real estate investor, one of your top priorities – regardless of your strategy – is to keep good residents for the long haul.

But how do we do that? What do retention rates mean? How are they calculated? Keep reading to find out more!

How Retention Rates Work

We can talk about metrics all day, but they’re useless if we don’t understand how to calculate and interpret the data! Generally speaking, your rental property retention rate is calculated by dividing the number of residents (or renter households) that moved out during a twelve-month period by the total number of residents/households you had over that same period. Then, multiply that result by 100. 

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Stop Waiting for Mortgage Rates to Drop. Now is the Time to Invest.

By Chris Clothier on Tue, May 7, 2024

Mortgage rates are the highest they’ve been since the Great Recession. Current 30-year fixed rates hover in the 6 to 7% range. Historically speaking, that’s nowhere near the highest they’ve been (that title belongs to the average in October of 1981 at a sickening 18.82%. Yikes!), but current rates are coming off all-time lows in 2020 and 2021. 

With home prices higher than ever, it is no surprise that homebuyers are waiting patiently for mortgage rates to come down and ease sticker shock. After all, the higher the asking price, the more the percentage matters.

But is it wise to wait for rates to drop?

We think not. As real estate investors, you risk more in the wait than in taking the chance in the market as it is. Here’s why:

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Worried About the Real Estate Market? Here’s the Secret to Investing

By Chris Clothier on Thu, May 2, 2024

If you want to lose your mind, try to keep up with all the predictions being made about the real estate market. Doing so is exhausting. Even if some interpretations and predictions have merit, they’re just that – predictions. In many ways, the headlines are designed to scare us. Navigating news on the real estate market is frustrating: full of mixed messages and emotionally charged rhetoric.

And for every opinion you see, you’ll find one to counter it. 

So, how do we move forward without fear as real estate investors? After all, we don't have time to be paralyzed by every doom-and-gloom headline. You're in luck - here are the secrets to fearless real estate investing.

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5 Ways to Manage the Unique Risks of Out-of-State Investing

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Apr 30, 2024

Investing out-of-state is one of the best things a passive real estate investor can do for their portfolio. After all, investing beyond your local market comes with some distinct advantages, such as:

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What Causes a Housing Bubble Anyway?

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Apr 25, 2024

In the real estate world, there’s almost always someone talking about a housing bubble. But what exactly is it? What causes it? And what happens after the bubble bursts?

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6 Hidden Risks That Come with Passive Real Estate Investment

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Apr 23, 2024

When investing in real estate, some risks are obvious. Others? Less so. Effective risk management involves recognizing and mitigating all risks, from the common to the rare. Are the chances slim? Sure. But you’ll be kicking yourself if you don’t do your due diligence in handling these sneaky buy-and-hold real estate investing risks! 

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Your Picture of Financial Freedom Shapes Investment Strategy

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Apr 18, 2024

Investors – ourselves included – often refer to “financial freedom.” While the concept itself sounds reasonably straightforward, it can mean many things to different people. These ideas lead to diverging goals and priorities. Ultimately, those points of divergence demand unique investment strategies. What you do hinges on where you want to be.

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5 Tell-Tale Signs of an Overpriced Real Estate Market

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Apr 16, 2024

Is your real estate market overpriced? Navigating today’s housing market isn’t easy. Though inventory is going up and mortgage rates are going down, property prices are still sky-high. For the real estate investor, it’s pretty easy to assess your local market. Things get tougher as you go further afield.

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What the Housing Inventory High Means for Investors

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Apr 11, 2024

U.S. housing inventory is trending in the right direction

We saw a 12.9% year-over-year increase in new property listings in February. Although total inventory remains flat, we’re finally not seeing a decline in overall inventory for the first time in nine months.

As you’re likely aware, tight inventory is mainly responsible for the stubbornness of the housing market. Even when active demand seemingly froze market activity, prices haven’t budged. Inventory kept rising interest rates from easing home prices. It’s also made the supply and demand balance unsustainable.

Ideally, this increase in new home listings points to a turning point on the horizon. But there are a few problems – and reasons investors shouldn’t sit back and “wait out” low inventory.

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What Makes Low-Cost Properties a Bad Bargain?

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Apr 9, 2024

We get it – houses are expensive, now more than ever. It’s only natural that investors would turn to low-cost properties. On the surface, there’s clear appeal: less capital upfront for an income-generating rental property. Why wouldn’t you go with the cheapest houses you can find?

If you’re like many people, you like to browse real estate listings. Sometimes, you come across a property with a shockingly low price tag in a great part of town. You might think, “Wow! What a deal!” Then, you start looking at the pictures and realize that the whole thing has been stripped down to the studs, and it would take double the asking price or more to get it habitable. Oof. 

That opportunity might excite some more hands-on, flip-minded investors, but it’s not for us. At that point, it’s pretty evident that the property will cost you far more than the seemingly low asking price. But it’s not always so obvious. Some properties may not look the best – they’re serviceable – or be in the best neighborhood, but they’re affordable, so why not?

Well, we’re here to tell you. Here’s why investors shouldn’t target low-cost properties.

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The Real Estate Market Isn't Uniform

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Apr 4, 2024

For real estate investors, it’s relatively easy to look at all the news coming out about the real estate market and lament. You might feel like there’s no place for you anymore, and investing is too hard. Believe us, that’s not the case! Part of the problem is that many of these reports and analyses look at overall medians and averages. 

While these are concise ways to talk about overall trends in the country, investors need to zoom in. The real estate market is not uniform. It varies, and investors must take advantage of it. We found these maps by ResiClub (courtesy of Fast Company) helpful in illustrating this point.

These maps effectively represent median home prices within individual markets across the country. While the $380,000+ median price sounds scary, we must recognize that that number doesn’t reflect every market.

So, what do these maps tell us about the real estate market…and investing?

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The Underlooked Criteria for an Ideal Investment Market

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Apr 2, 2024

You’ve undoubtedly poured over the details when looking for a real estate investment market. You’ve analyzed rental rates, median income, sales prices, local economics, and more…but have you asked about the weather?

Location matters, not just because of the economics, housing affordability, or rental demand but because of the climate. 

Both run-of-the-mill weather risks and natural disasters could jeopardize your investment property. If anything, it could be costing you a pretty penny in maintenance and insurance costs! Here’s what you need to consider about the climate as you choose an investment market:

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This is What Turnkey Investing REALLY Looks Like

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Mar 28, 2024

The term “turnkey” isn’t regulated in this industry. The original concept is clear enough – turnkey properties mean you can “turn the key” and step right into a new or fully renovated property ready to earn passive income. But not everything advertising “turnkey” is doing the same thing. Because the definitions vary and the word is used purely for marketing, investors need to know what they want from a “turnkey” experience.

What do turnkey investing companies ideally do, and what are the signs that something might not really be turnkey? Keep reading to find out.

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3 Ways Real Estate Investors Can Invest in Themselves

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Mar 26, 2024

So you’re investing in real estate…but are you investing in yourself? Here’s the harsh truth – none of us are naturally adept at building an ideal financial future on our own. For some, financial success comes from parents who instill lessons of self-discipline and the value of a dollar. For others, it comes from personal research, lots of reading, or even degrees and certifications.

No one expects a passive real estate investor to be an absolute expert. You didn’t sign up for a passive gig just for it to turn into a full-time job! 

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Is FOMO Hurting Your Investment Portfolio?

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Mar 21, 2024

Sometimes, the best deals you do are the ones you said “no” to.

“How is that possible?” you might ask. We live in a time when the real estate market is competitive and contentious. That’s true for the average buyer, and it’s true for investors. Even now, we sense FOMO – the fear of missing out – plaguing the real estate industry. Potential homebuyers are afraid they won’t win their bid. Investors are worried they’ll miss out on once-in-a-lifetime deals. They think they’re doing something wrong if they’re not participating in the hottest new investment market.

But sometimes, staying out of it is better than jumping in.

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7 Ways Housing Inventory Impacts the Real Estate Market

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Mar 19, 2024

Though the factors that sway the rise and fall of the real estate market can be varied and complex, there’s no denying that housing inventory is among the most impactful. As one of the most significant talking points among investors and real estate professionals, we must all understand how inventory impacts what we do – and the industry.

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What it Means to Take Nothing on Faith in Real Estate Investment

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Mar 14, 2024

Sometimes you’ll hear us refer to a very simple rule for real estate investors: take nothing on faith. But what does that really mean, and why is it essential to success as a passive real estate investor? 

Essentially, we’re telling investors to do their due diligence, to ask questions, to verify, and to absolutely look a gift horse in the mouth. We’ve all heard what they say about making assumptions!

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3 min read

5 Ways Investors Can Access Property Equity Without Selling

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Mar 12, 2024

One of the arguments critics like to use against real estate investment is its lack of liquidity. To access cash, you must endure the rigamarole of selling the property. As any seller knows, this process can be one long headache. 

Fortunately, having cash in hand isn’t the only way to reap the rewards of your property’s equity. Investors should know all of their available options. We’re not necessarily recommending these strategies. They each come with unique benefits and drawbacks, and we urge individuals to do their due diligence.

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These are the Real Benefits of PASSIVE Real Estate Investing

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Mar 7, 2024

Passive and active real estate investing are two distinct approaches to this business, each with advantages, drawbacks, and considerations. The strategy you choose often comes down to personal financial goals and preferences, but there’s no denying that passive investing offers a few distinct advantages for all investors.

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9 Questions to Ask Before You Make a Big Financial Decision

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Mar 5, 2024

Committing to a huge financial decision is never easy. It’s a process of back-and-forth, pros and cons, self-doubt, and infinite, exciting potential. For many, this is the decision to make a significant investment. We all know how critical due diligence is, including asking serious questions!

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The New Investor’s Guide to Buying Your First Rental Property

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Feb 29, 2024

You’ve decided this year will be your year. It’s finally time to jump in and buy your first rental property. Passive income is calling! But wanting to invest in real estate and actually doing it are two different animals. Sometimes, the practical steps to get it done are mysterious, especially for new and inexperienced investors. 

Never fear – we’re here to give you a step-by-step action plan.

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4 min read

5 Reasons the Turnkey Real Estate Model is Worth Your While

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Feb 27, 2024

If you’re here reading this, you’re at least interested in turnkey real estate. 

With so many ways to invest in real estate, why go turnkey? In this economy, the premium cost of turnkey investing can seem like a deterrent. We’ll tell you right now – not because we want you to invest with us, but because we know from experience – this model works. It continues to work through economic ups and downs, allowing investors to build their wealth without demands on time and expertise. 

From the outset, we want to say this: turnkey real estate investment isn’t for everyone. That’s why before we proceed with any potential client, we have a frank discussion about their goals, resources, and desired investment experience. We’re honest when things don’t line up because everyone deserves the best avenue to lasting wealth, even if that means looking elsewhere.

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This Single Virtue will Make or Break Real Estate Investors

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Feb 22, 2024

There are plenty of qualities we’d say are necessary for one’s success as a real estate investor. There are two of the traditional “holy virtues” we’d consider non-negotiable for success: diligence and patience. But let’s be honest, we’ve hammered in the importance of diligence (in the form of due diligence). We’re going to keep talking about it, too. 

It’s almost a given at this point. That’s why we want to discuss the neglected, overlooked, and fundamental virtue of patience.

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Crucial Questions New Investors MUST Ask a Property Management Company

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Feb 20, 2024

Knowing who to partner with as a new real estate investor isn’t easy. As an owner-investor, due diligence rests on your shoulders from the beginning. To be a passive investor, you must first find the right property management company. The quality and integrity of their business will guide your success.

Now, there are many elements to vetting a management company – looking at their public information, reviewing their quarterly and annual reports, and soliciting reviews from other investors. But perhaps the most critical step for a new investor is asking questions.

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6 Signs Turnkey Real Estate Investing is Right for You

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Feb 15, 2024

Investing in real estate can be lucrative, offering long-term financial stability and wealth accumulation. While there are countless strategies to employ as a real estate investor, one of the most popular is turnkey SFR (single-family rental) investing. This method appeals to individuals seeking a more hands-off and hassle-free investment experience.

So how does it work?

Turnkey real estate investing involves purchasing properties fully renovated and managed by a third-party company, allowing investors to enjoy passive income without the day-to-day responsibilities of property management. Investors leverage the experience of these turnkey companies, who often buy, renovate, sell, and manage properties in-house, to benefit their portfolios. 

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Why Utilize SFRs for Passive Real Estate Investment?

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Feb 13, 2024

Between REITs and crowdfunding, there are more ways to earn passive income from real estate than ever. So many of these avenues promise lucrative results for little effort on the investor’s part. Why, then, should real estate investors consider single-family rentals instead? After all, don’t they demand more of your time, money, and attention?

Can’t you get the same results with less effort?

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6 Ways to Maintain Real Estate Investing Momentum

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Feb 8, 2024

If time is money, investors can’t afford to dilly-dally. Maybe you feel content with your portfolio as-is. You don’t feel the need to grow. Or perhaps you’re hesitating because the market seems inhospitable. Regardless of the reason, it’s much harder to regain momentum once you’ve lost it.

Let’s clarify: to truly build wealth through real estate, you must scale your portfolio. One or two properties won’t cut it. Our time is limited, too, and we must make the most of it.

But we get it, too – sometimes you lose interest, have bigger priorities, or don’t feel motivated. It happens to the best of us. So, how do you power through these seasons and keep up that real estate investing momentum?

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What It REALLY Means to Maximize Rental Property Cash Flow

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Feb 6, 2024

When the real estate market is competitive, investors must be careful about what they pay for a property. Bidding wars and high costs can cause what would have been a good investment opportunity to turn into a real dud. That said, protecting your cash flow depends on far more than what you pay at closing. It’s more than the rental rates you set. No – protecting and maximizing passive income has far more to do with your strategic choices and due diligence.

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7 Steps to Take Your Investing Aspirations from Dream to Reality

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Feb 1, 2024

Sometimes, getting started is the hardest part. We’re a distracted and busy people. That busyness can derail the best intentions, delaying and diminishing potential returns. Maybe you’ve been considering investing in real estate for a long time. It’s something you want to do, something you know you should do for your financial future.

You just keep kicking the can down the road.

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6 Ways to Prepare for Property Acquisitions in 2024

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Jan 30, 2024

Is the Spring homebuying season kicking off in January? Some experts think so, with lowered interest rates drawing buyers back to the housing market. There’s no doubt that the decline will be gradual over the next few years, but it won’t stop activity from kicking back up. 

Just as the smallest rise in rates meant adding hundreds of dollars to mortgage payments, a decline – even a tiny one – represents greater savings and housing affordability. It should be no surprise that investors want to make acquisitions in 2024. But how does a real estate investor wisely prepare?

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3 Reasons Today's Housing Market Secretly Favors SFR Investments

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Jan 25, 2024

2023 presented some unique challenges for real estate investors. But as much as we can bemoan rising interest rates and stubbornly high property prices, the current market – and the market we’re likely to see in 2024 – has a lot going for SFR (single-family rental) investors.

Remember: your success in this business isn’t decided by the sway of the market. It all comes down to your fundamentals and a willingness to adapt your strategy to suit your needs under the full gamut of market conditions.  Including...remembering that time in the market matters more than timing the market.  Just getting in, getting started or getting growing is enough to put an SFR investor ahead of the masses who are waiting for big shifts and changes before making their next moves.

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Is the Frozen Real Estate Market Ready for a Winter Thaw?

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Jan 23, 2024

It’s hard to deny that 2023’s real estate market has been frigid. After all, this year’s total home sales are shaping up to be at the lowest levels since 2011 and the peak of housing crash-induced buyer anxiety. That said, the experts are feeling cautiously optimistic about the real estate market for 2024.

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4 min read

15 Compelling Reasons to Consult a Financial Advisor

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Jan 18, 2024

It might be cliché to think of a new year as a clean slate, but it can still be a beneficial way to think about it. Besides getting in shape, financial health is one of the top priorities among those who make New Year’s Resolutions. Regardless of where you are with your financial goals, now is a great time to refocus. And what better way to do that than through a financial advisor?

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The BEST New Years' Resolutions for Real Estate Investors

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Jan 16, 2024

Tired of making the same old resolutions about finally using that gym membership? Maybe it’s time to shift your gears towards financial resolutions. Real estate investors are in a prime position to renew their efforts in the new year, riding the wave of resolve. But what should a passive real estate investor’s new years’ resolution look like?

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This is How to Mitigate SFR Investment Risk in 2024

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Jan 11, 2024

2024 seems like it will break out of some of the downward real estate trends we’ve seen due to rising interest rates and inflation. While it’s unlikely we’ll see a break-out year for real estate, signs indicate that conditions will warm up to buyers over the next few years.

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3 min read

Yes, We’re Still Investing in Real Estate. No, We Aren’t Crazy.

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Jan 9, 2024

Has investing in real estate fallen out of vogue?

Look around – everyone is feeling market pressure. They think buying a personal residence is far out of reach, let alone securing multiple investment properties. They’ll say it’s too expensive. That we should wait until prices or interest rates come down. That we’re nuts for still banking on real estate when the market is like this.

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Protect Your Investment Assets with 3 Simple Rules

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Jan 4, 2024

In today’s economy, it seems like we’re feeling more pressure than ever. It’s not just about the tumult in the real estate market but the volatility of stocks, the ever-growing cost of living, and increasing economic uncertainties.

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Why You Should Consider Turnkey Real Estate for Your Portfolio in 2024

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Jan 2, 2024

Are you considering your next big wealth-building strategy? Looking for ways to strengthen your portfolio? Look no further: it’s time to go turnkey.

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8 Avenues for Passive Real Estate Investors to Further Their Expertise

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Dec 28, 2023

Passive investors rarely get the opportunity to gain the hands-on experience other investors have. While this can save them from the pitfalls of their inexperience, it holds them back, too. As a passive investor, experience and education aren’t about the doing. They’re about the knowing.

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Here’s What Rental Residents REALLY Want from SFRs

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Dec 26, 2023

Experienced real estate investors know even small factors can make or break their wealth-building efforts. While broadly, that single factor is due diligence, we want to get a little more specific. We’re talking about what your residents really want.

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8 Reasons SFRs Are Still Worth the Investment

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Dec 21, 2023

Between higher interest rates, stubbornly high property prices, and a competitive real estate market, you may wonder if investing in real estate is worth it anymore. And while the challenges facing the market (and investors) demand we pivot our strategies, none negate the benefits of investing in single-family rentals.

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Should Real Estate Investors Try to Time the Market?

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Dec 19, 2023

Because the real estate market moves in a cycle, you’d think timing it would be easy. After all, if investors could predict what the market will do, we’d be able to time our moves accordingly! While that’s a wonderful thought, it’s the daydream of an inexperienced investor.

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1 min read

We're Officially EXTENDING Our Refer & Earn Program

By Chris Clothier on Fri, Dec 15, 2023

Now's the time to take advantage!

It’s official, we just extended our Refer and Earn program, offering a fantastic incentive to our loyal supporters like you. For each new referral you make to REI Nation, you could earn $2K. 

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4 min read

Why the Build-to-Rent Model Is Here to Stay

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Dec 14, 2023

Homeownership hit at all-time low at 62.9% in 2016. While owning a home was once an integral part of the American Dream, we’re seeing it matter less and less to up-and-coming generations of homebuying age. Millennials and Gen Z, saddled with student debt and low wages, are often unable to afford a home – if they even want to buy in the first place.

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This Is How You Know It’s Time to Scale Your Real Estate Portfolio

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Dec 12, 2023

Single-family rental (SFR) investors often struggle to determine when it’s the right time to scale their portfolio and acquire more properties. After all, buying a property is a big commitment, whether it’s your first or your fiftieth.

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6 Factors New Real Estate Investors Often Overlook

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Dec 7, 2023

When investing in real estate for the first time, there’s much to consider. Believe us, we know! 

It can be overwhelming. But it’s certainly not impossible.

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5 Things Successful Real Estate Investors Do Between Buying Properties

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Dec 5, 2023

During different seasons and cycles of the real estate market, investors will find their priorities changing. Maybe property acquisitions must take a backseat or decrease in frequency. When your focus must shift, you may not always know what to do with yourself.

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3 min read

Here's How You Can Access Property Equity WITHOUT Selling

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Nov 30, 2023

One of the arguments critics like to use against real estate investment is its lack of liquidity. To access cash, you must endure the rigamarole of selling the property. As any seller knows, this process can be one long headache.

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12 Qualities to Prioritize in Your Rental Property Management Team

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Nov 28, 2023

You can own a great investment property, but if it’s bleeding money, it won’t do much except give you a headache! You preserve your wealth and your assets first and foremost with excellent property management.

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1 min read

Why Wait, When You Can Earn More by Referring NOW?

By Chris Clothier on Mon, Nov 27, 2023

There's still time to take advantage of the increased incentive through REI Nation's Referral Program, so current investors like you can earn $2,000 for successfully referring a friend, family member, coworker, etc.

But it won't last much longer!

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What’s in Store for Real Estate at the End of 2023?

By Chris Clothier on Fri, Nov 24, 2023

We blinked, and suddenly, we’re near the end of 2023. The year thus far has been challenging for anyone involved in real estate. Will things change soon? What can we expect as we move into 2024? 

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What Investors Should Know About 2024 Tax Adjustments

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Nov 21, 2023

The IRS recently released updated guidelines for the 2024 tax year. Some of the most well-known standards shifted to account for inflation – the consensus being that these changes would mean more money in the pockets of Americans.

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How Long Should You Keep Your Investment Property?

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Nov 16, 2023

Maybe you’re new to this real estate investment thing. You’ve heard about a “buy and hold” strategy, and you’re wondering… how long do you really have to hold a property? Many of our investors are in it for the long haul, but even buy-and-hold investors know the value of a good exit strategy.

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Lighten Your Tax Liability as a Real Estate Investor

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Nov 14, 2023

One of the greatest advantages of investing in real estate is its tax implications. Passive real estate investors are uniquely poised to benefit from our existing tax structure. With that said, you must be aware of the avenues to save and take the steps to ensure them.

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1 min read

Why Not Get the Whole Family Involved?

By Chris Clothier on Mon, Nov 13, 2023

At REI Nation, we believe in the power of passive real estate investing to help you build security and a legacy for your loved ones. So, if you feel the same way, it might be time we meet the family! 

Because REI Nation is increasing the incentive for our Referral Program and offering current investors like you $2,000 for successfully referring a brother, cousin, aunt—you name it!

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5 Reasons You May Not Want to Wait Out High Interest Rates

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Nov 9, 2023

If you’ve been keeping your finger on the pulse of the real estate market, you’ve noticed just how slow things are right now. The National Association of Realtors predicts that the housing market is on track for its slowest year since 2008. Reports say the average homebuyer must make $115,000 annually to afford the typical U.S. home. On average, American households are short of that benchmark by $40,000.

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The Pros and Cons of Using Leverage for SFR Acquisitions

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Nov 7, 2023

Leverage is one of the big selling points where real estate investment is concerned. It makes sense why – it allows investors to use less of their own money to acquire valuable, income-generating assets. But, like all things, utilizing leverage comes with risks. While the advantages are significant, every investor must consider the pros and cons and decide how much to leverage.

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6 Realistic Expectations for Passive Real Estate Investing

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Nov 2, 2023

Investor-influencer Grant Cardone was recently in hot water in the form of a class-action lawsuit alleging fraud and false promises through his real estate investment fund. You can read all about it on Bigger Pockets (linked above) and other news outlets. Regardless of how the lawsuit has turned out, we see it as a cautionary tale to passive investing hopefuls.

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Why More Property Renovations NOW Means Less Cost Later

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Oct 31, 2023

As a real estate investor, you may feel it more prudent to spread out costs when it comes to significant expenditures. Renovations are necessary in this business, but there’s no doubt about it – all that construction time, project management, and cost would give anyone a headache.

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4 min read

7 Pieces of Financial Wisdom That Don't Work Anymore

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Oct 26, 2023

While some financial wisdom is timeless, the world we live in today has experienced vast changes in its economic and financial landscape. And with changing times comes a need for better, newer financial advice.

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When Interest Rates are High, Why Invest in Real Estate?

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Oct 24, 2023

While high interest rates make investing in real estate more challenging, it remains a viable and profitable investment strategy. We also want to point out that real estate isn’t the only asset impacted by interest rates.

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10 min read

How (and When) to Consult Your Financial Advisor About Turnkey Real Estate

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Oct 19, 2023

We’ve all seen certain assets and investments go in and out of fashion.

However, real estate has long been a cornerstone of the economy at-large, mostly because land is a finite resource and shelter is an essential human need. There will always, then, be a demand for real estate in some form or fashion. For an investor, this lends certain reliability and stability that you would not find in other asset classes.

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14 Steps to Financially Prepare for a Property Acquisition

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Oct 17, 2023

Prepping your finances to buy property is necessary but sometimes overwhelming. There are so many details to sort through that starting might feel too daunting – even if you’ve been through the process before. This handy checklist includes the key steps and considerations for investors to ensure they are financially prepared for a property purchase...

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1 min read

Share the Best Kept Secret In Passive Investing...

By Chris Clothier on Mon, Oct 16, 2023

Don't be afraid to share the news about how REI Nation can help further your financial goals, all from the comfort of home! Why? Because REI Nation is increasing the incentive for our Referral Program and offering current investors like you $2,000 for successfully referring a friend!

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Keys to Smart Investing When Your Spouse Has Different Goals

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Oct 12, 2023

When you’re married, you share a lot of things – your time, your meals, and, for many...your finances. Last year, surveys reported that 41% of households experienced finance-related tension. That tension emerges for various reasons – one or both partners carrying debt, not sticking to an agreed household budget, financial power imbalances, or different personalities and attitudes regarding money.

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6 Non-Negotiables for Buying Property in Today's Housing Market

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Oct 10, 2023

If you’re looking to invest in today’s housing market, you might be in for a rude awakening. It’s not that investing in real estate is any less feasible or capable of generating long-term wealth. It’s more that building the right portfolio for the right price is more challenging than ever thanks to the combination of an inventory shortage, increasing property costs, and tough lending standards.

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What Property Managers Do (And Don’t Do) for Investors

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Oct 5, 2023

Property managers play a crucial role in the management and maintenance of rental properties on behalf of property owners. Inexperienced investors may not fully understand the nature of their role and all they do to support the success of their investments.

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8 Reasons Investors Flock to SFRs in a Tough Economy

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Oct 3, 2023

If you’re like most people, you’re feeling the squeeze of a tight, tough economy. At the same time, SFR investments are attracting more investors than ever! Throwing your proverbial hat into the ring might seem like a bigger challenge, but SFR investing makes it well worth it.

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Should Your First Home Purchase Be an Investment Property?

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Sep 28, 2023

To older investors, buying an investment property before a personal home might seem like putting the cart before the horse. Understand, though, that the next generation of investors – younger millennials and Gen Z – faces wildly different financial circumstances than many of us did in our youth.

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6 Green Flags in a Turnkey Real Estate Company

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Sep 26, 2023

A green flag is the opposite of a red flag. They indicate something positive and worthwhile! If you’re a passive real estate investor, especially one investing out-of-state, you must partner with the right people. Choosing a turnkey partner is no easy feat. After all, some of these companies lack experience, and others lack scruples.

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1 min read

Your Friends Will Thank You—and So Will We!

By Chris Clothier on Mon, Sep 25, 2023

BIG NEWS: REI Nation is increasing the incentive for our Referral Program and offering current investors $2,000 for successfully referring a friend!

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Strong Fundamentals Mean Investors Prefer SFRs to Flips

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Sep 21, 2023

Fix-and-flip investments might make for compelling programming on HGTV, but investors prefer buy-and-hold rental properties. A recent Investor Sentiment Survey from RCN Capital demonstrated that rentals were the most popular of the three types of residential real estate investments.

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10 Compelling Reasons to Keep Holding Your SFR Properties

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Sep 19, 2023

With the market favoring selling so thoroughly, you might consider selling one or more of your investment properties. After all, it seems like a prime opportunity! But before you prepare that listing, wait. There are compelling reasons to hold your properties for the long haul – even when conditions make selling an attractive prospect.

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What the Foreclosure Influx Means for Real Estate Investors

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Sep 14, 2023

We’re not at all surprised that foreclosures are up. The data shows that properties in foreclosure in the United States grew just north of 35,000 units in May this year.

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6 Signs a Property Will Make a Stellar Investment

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Sep 12, 2023

How do you know whether or not a property would make a good investment? In today’s real estate climate, opportunities come and go in a flash. Investors must be able to quickly evaluate whether or not any given property would make a good investment – not just in general, but for their specific, unique portfolio.

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Housing Wire Reports Peak Inventory– Here’s What It Means for Real Estate Investors

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Sep 7, 2023

Low inventory has been the thorn in the housing market’s side for over a decade. The pandemic heightened the pressure of this squeeze, but make no mistake – this problem has been brewing for a while. In a turn of events, Housing Wire reports that soaring interest rates (now hitting the 7% mark) are finally affecting the real estate market.

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Why Remote Real Estate Frees Investors to Dream Big

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Sep 5, 2023

Traditionally, investors have looked upon owning far-away rental properties with suspicion. It seemed impossible to own and manage a property that was hours away from you. In today’s hyper-connected world, these impossibilities have disappeared. If work can be done remotely, why can’t investing in real estate?

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Memphis' Shelby County Named Among Greatest Rent Returns for Investors

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Aug 31, 2023

ATTOM Data is one of the forerunners in real estate data and analysis. Recently, they released a report detailing the counties in the United States with the largest increases in annual rent returns for single-family rentals.

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Why Does a Property’s Location Matter SO Much?

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Aug 29, 2023

As investors, the benefits and risks of property locations are paramount to our success. We all hear location, location, location, but why does it matter so much?

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5 Ways Short Supply Is Changing SFR Investment Strategies

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Aug 24, 2023

A decade of underbuilding led to a housing shortfall of 3.8 million units in 2019 – before the pandemic further exacerbated the issue with labor and supply chain problems. In other words, we’ve been building up to this housing supply crisis for a long time. It didn’t come out of nowhere.

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4 min read

4 Fundamentals That Unsuccessful Real Estate Investors Ignore

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Aug 22, 2023

How would you describe yourself as a real estate investor? We’d hope you’d use descriptors like diligent, ambitious, successful, and driven. Unfortunately, though, not all investors have such sterling reputations. While there are many things you can be as a real estate investor, the one descriptor you want to avoid is sloppy or careless.

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This Is How the Real Estate Market Got Where It Is Today

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Aug 17, 2023

We all know that the real estate market moves in cycles. We’re waiting for a market correction to take full effect and move us into more favorable conditions – but where exactly are we right now? And, more importantly, how did we get here?

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5 “Optional” SFR Expenses Worth the Cost

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Aug 15, 2023

Because investing in real estate is a numbers game, getting those numbers to fall in your favor is everything. While maximizing profits and minimizing expenses is sound on paper, it doesn’t always work in practice.

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Questions You Should Ask an Advisor Before Expanding Your Portfolio

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Aug 10, 2023

Portfolio expansion is a necessary step to building passive wealth. Multiple properties and several streams of cash flow are par for the course. Expanding, however, isn’t as easy as hitting Zillow and finding an attractive property to buy! Investors set themselves up for success with careful planning, risk mitigation…and consulting their portfolio advisor!

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6 Reasons to Utilize Rental Properties for Retirement

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Aug 8, 2023

We all want to enjoy retirement. In this day and age, achieving financial security in our golden years is more challenging than ever. Statistics paint a picture of retirement realities. American workers have saved a median $97,000 for retirement. Compare that to the standard goal for a “comfortable” retirement, $1.4 million.

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2 min read

With Us, Your Investment Is More Than Just a House

By Chris Clothier on Mon, Aug 7, 2023

Why choose REI? Well, let's review the numbers...

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3 min read

How to Prepare Your Finances for Your First Property Acquisition

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Aug 3, 2023

In many ways, investing in real estate is straightforward. We know, however, the new investors want the reassurance they’re going into this venture prepared. We don’t blame them – this is, after all, a big step in building a better financial future for yourself and your family!

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5 Big Reasons Renters Prefer Professional Property Management

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Aug 1, 2023

Plenty of inexperienced real estate investors choose to fly solo. They imagine doing it all themselves will save money and leave more rental income in their pocket each month. While this is true, their overall portfolio will suffer in the end. Doing it alone stunts and limits your growth, which is critical for building lasting wealth across multiple income streams.

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Avoid These Common First-Time Real Estate Investor Mistakes!

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Jul 27, 2023

Investing in something, whether real estate or another asset, is a monumental decision for your financial future. At best, you begin the journey that will create generational wealth for you and your family to enjoy for decades to come.

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Don’t Follow Outdated Financial Advice!

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Jul 25, 2023

There will always be tried-and-true financial strategies we can rely on. However, that isn’t true of all age-old wisdom. Believe it or not, the same advice that worked for your dad and his dad won’t necessarily work for you. If you’re looking for financial wisdom, you must be sure it’s relevant and applicable to your time, circumstances, and personal finance.

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What Real Estate Investors Should Know About a Housing Market Correction

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Jul 20, 2023

Over the past year or so, it’s been impossible to escape real estate market doomsaying. It seems everyone is holding their breath in anticipation of a bursting bubble or housing crash. That, however, doesn’t seem as likely as a slow housing market correction.

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8 Reasons SFR Investing Still Makes Sense

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Jul 18, 2023

There are plenty of compelling reasons to invest in single-family rentals, including it's popularity as a stable asset for long-term earning potential.

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What Exactly Do Turnkey Real Estate Companies Do (And Not Do)?

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Jul 13, 2023

Whether you’re pursuing remote real estate investing or simply looking for a team to take the heavy lifting off your hands, a turnkey company can be a great option. We want to lay it all on the line…what do turnkey companies do? What do they not do? Understanding the fundamental role turnkey companies play will help you identify worthwhile partners…and potential scams.

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3 Ways to Use Real Estate Investments to Garner Generational Wealth

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Jul 11, 2023

As many passive investors know, building wealth through real estate investment is not just about obtaining a dream retirement or living it up. While the extra income and wealth generated can undoubtedly help you achieve these goals, they’re only a tiny part of the primary reason people invest in real estate.

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Are BTRs the Solution to Declining Housing Market Inventory?

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Jul 6, 2023

The build-to-rent (BTR) model has gained momentum over the past several years for good reason. This strategy, which builds new properties with the explicit intention to rent them out rather than sell them to homebuyers, helps bridge the affordability gap between would-be homebuyers and new construction.

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The Real ROI You Can Expect from Rental Property Renovations

By Chris Clothier on Sun, Jul 2, 2023

An integral part of many successful real estate investment strategies involves property renovations. The right renovations can greatly affect long-term property values and rent prices. Of course, you don’t have to be an investor to care about getting your money’s worth out of home improvements.

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The Investor’s Quick Guide to Scaling Your Real Estate Portfolio

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Jun 29, 2023

There comes a time when every investor must grow their portfolio from one investment property to two. Portfolio growth is the path to passive wealth! No one can expect to build worthwhile passive income with only one investment property. But how do you know it’s time to scale up – and when you’re ready, what do you do?

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10 Essential Aspects of Determining a Market’s Investment Potential

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Jun 27, 2023

In real estate, location is everything. Whether you’re determining where to invest for the first time, where to expand your portfolio, or whether or not your current markets are still best suited for investment growth, you need a set of clear guidelines and metrics to follow.

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AI & Digital Imaging Pose Risks for Property Buyers

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Jun 22, 2023

We’re no strangers to the rapid pace of technology. Only recently, AI has come into its own as a viable technology beyond simple novelty. We’re seeing it seep into industry after industry, and real estate is no different.

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Walk Through a Recently Renovated Memphis SFR!

By Chris Clothier on Wed, Jun 21, 2023

Real investment value in a city like Memphis comes from the city itself and the investment partner you choose to work with.

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How to Seamlessly Integrate Investment Properties Into Estate Planning

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Jun 20, 2023

Passive investors often have their sights set on the future. Investing in real estate isn’t just about current cash flow, but establishing lasting, generational wealth. Ensuring your hard work lives on and continues to benefit your family demands forethought.

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These Are the Very Real Benefits of Long-Term SFR Investing

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Jun 15, 2023

We often caution new investors that real estate investment won’t make them rich overnight. It’s a process that takes time, intention, and slow growth. We say this primarily so expectations are managed – the better your perception of the reality of this business, the better you’ll fare.

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It's Never Been Easier to Shop for REI Nation SFRs!

By Chris Clothier on Wed, Jun 14, 2023

REI Nation is now making it even easier to be a remote, passive real estate investor.

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Guest Blog: Top 10 Tips for First-Time Real Estate Investors

By Matt Haycox on Tue, Jun 13, 2023

Building wealth through real estate is a popular and veritable investment method, and the market is currently seeing a multifaceted expansion. Investing in property has several advantages such as capital growth, wealth creation, retirement planning and of course, tax benefits. Given that this is a highly competitive niche, being successful requires a careful strategy of planning and taking calculated risks.

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What Should You Know About SFR Investing?

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Jun 13, 2023

If someone asked you what the absolute essentials they need to know are for your industry, what would you say? It’s a question we’ve been thinking about. After all, there’s a lot you could say about investing in single-family rentals. What you need to know often goes together with dispelling some misconceptions about the industry.

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The Sunbelt Returns as the U.S. Real Estate Hotspot

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Jun 8, 2023

According to Bankrate and Market Watch, the Sunbelt – specifically the Southeast – is the hottest region for real estate. West Coast and Rust Belt markets have grown cold due to massive price spikes and stagnant job growth, respectively. Meanwhile, 18 of the top 20 markets in the Bankrate Housing Heat Index are in the Sunbelt region.

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Investment Opportunities Knocking: Build Your Real Estate Portfolio with These SFRs!

By Chris Clothier on Wed, Jun 7, 2023

Recently renovated single-family rentals can diversify your investment portfolio, generate passive income, and build wealth over time. 

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How to Spot a Questionable Real Estate Investment Market

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Jun 6, 2023

The question of location is the biggest in real estate. We know just how important the “where” is in purchasing properties! While you want to invest in a robust and growing market, you also want to be wary of overhyped areas. Finding that sweet spot is tricky.

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Top Tips for Saving Up to Buy Your First Investment Property

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Jun 1, 2023

When it comes to investing in real estate, getting started is the hardest part. This has always been true, but it’s even more evident in an economic climate that puts homeownership out of reach for so many. If you can barely afford to buy your own home, how can you begin to consider saving up to invest in real estate?

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2 min read

Our BTR Properties: Built, Rented, & Ready for Investors Like You!

By Chris Clothier on Wed, May 31, 2023

You may know that REI Nation specializes in single-family investment properties, but you may not know that we deliver both recently renovated and build-to-rent options!

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Why Build-to-Rent Is the New Wave in Real Estate Investment

By Chris Clothier on Tue, May 30, 2023

Housing affordability has been a big problem in the U.S. real estate market as far back as the Great Recession. Signs aren’t pointing to relief, even as economists predict a major market correction in 2023. The fact of the matter is this – the United States needs between four and five million more homes than it has right now.

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The Due Diligence Checklist for Passive Real Estate Investors

By Chris Clothier on Thu, May 25, 2023

Due diligence is a simple concept to understand but challenging to execute. It’s anticipating and mitigating risk, gathering accurate facts and data for informed decision-making, and doing your best to ensure you’re building your wealth and managing risk exposure.

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SFRs Served Up in Time for Summer!

By Chris Clothier on Wed, May 24, 2023

No matter what season you're in as an investor, REI Nation is ready to partner with you toward your financial goals. 

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The Best Strategies for Actually Reducing Rental Turnover

By Chris Clothier on Tue, May 23, 2023

Real estate investors all know that resident retention is essential. Property vacancies are costly not only for the lack of rental income but also for the costs associated with filling that vacancy. Reducing turnover is often a matter you can control and adjust as you go. Sometimes, however, investors hurt their chances from the start.

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4 Factors Keeping Investors on Board with SFRs

By Chris Clothier on Thu, May 18, 2023

The state of the U.S. real estate market may have you questioning whether or not investing in real estate is worth it. Let’s get this out of the way: every stage and season of the market carries distinct challenges and advantages. It doesn’t benefit your portfolio to wish for a bygone era.

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Investment Portfolios Made Easy with SFRs from REI Nation

By Chris Clothier on Wed, May 17, 2023

We've done all the hard work to make it simple for you to invest.

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5 Reasons to Use Real Estate for Retirement Income, Even During a Recession

By Chris Clothier on Tue, May 16, 2023

The threat of economic recession can mean devastation for traditional investors. Losses in the stock market can be so dramatic that those on the cusp of retirement may never recover in their lifetime. But that shouldn’t mean that investing is out of the question – only that we’ve got to prioritize investing in the right things.

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Your Investment Strategy Shouldn’t Rely on Cheap Rental Properties

By Chris Clothier on Thu, May 11, 2023

Who doesn’t love scoring a great deal? While this approach works for the sale rack, it’s not so wise where rental properties are concerned. Real estate investors, from newbies to old pros, know the temptation of a “great” deal. We’ve been there, done that – and know from experience that cheap properties don’t build world-class portfolios.

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Hot Investment Properties? It's a Dallas Thing!

By Chris Clothier on Wed, May 10, 2023

When you invest with REI Nation, you have everything you need to grow your portfolio with confidence: quality properties in viable markets that have recently undergone thorough renovations, leased by residents who love where they live! 

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The 5 Factors That Influence Property Price Fluctuations

By Chris Clothier on Tue, May 9, 2023

For some, the real estate market has been profoundly confusing. No one could anticipate, after all, the radical impact the pandemic would have on the market. It seems like real estate is frustratingly stubborn in the face of attempts to quell raging prices. The seeming unpredictability of the real estate market may deter some people from joining the fray as buyers and investors.

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The State of the 2023 Real Estate Market (Q1 Edition)

By Chris Clothier on Thu, May 4, 2023

What a strange year it’s been for the real estate market! Nothing about the Spring buying season worked, interest rates put a damper on everything, and investors felt the market squeeze. Thankfully, the trends and data we’re seeing point to the beginning of the end of this real estate slump.

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Don't Settle! Long Distance Investing Is Easy with REI Nation

By Chris Clothier on Wed, May 3, 2023

We've done all the hard work to make it simple for you to invest.

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Do You Share These Qualities with Wealthy Investors?

By Chris Clothier on Tue, May 2, 2023

What makes a real estate investor successful? There are plenty of arguments to be made, ranging from knowledge and experience to sheer luck. So much success in the investment world, however, is directly connected to your attitude.

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5 min read

Essential Questions to Ask Potential Property Managers Before Hiring

By Chris Clothier on Sun, Apr 30, 2023

At REI Nation, we value property management because we're investors ourselves. Our processes are designed to maintain and care for your properties as if they were ours, because that's exactly how we got started!

However, if you're continuing your search for the right fit to manage your properties, we highly recommend you do your due diligence. 

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4 min read

4 Reasons Waiting for Real Estate Market Change Is Costing You

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Apr 27, 2023

Real estate investors choosing to sit on their hands in wait for a market crash will be sorely disappointed. Investors must adapt their strategies for any and everything the real estate market brings to the table, favorable and otherwise. We can always wait and hope that conditions will take a turn for the ideal, but that’s not a reliable investment method.

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The New Wave of Living: SFRs Available Now!

By Chris Clothier on Wed, Apr 26, 2023

Ready to discover your next investment property?

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Top Tips for Increasing the Profitability of Your Investment Properties

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Apr 25, 2023

Right now, investors want to ensure that any property they own or acquire maximizes its potential. After all, the investment market is less forgiving these days. Every decision counts!

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3 Million U.S. 6-Figure Earners Are Renting. Here’s Why.

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Apr 20, 2023

The misconception is that people rent because they have no other option. Either they’re terrible with money and can’t save due to debt and spending, or they don’t earn enough in the first place. This hasn’t been the case for a long time.

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These Properties Are More Than a Spring Fling!

By Chris Clothier on Wed, Apr 19, 2023

Hello spring! Temperatures are warming up, and so is the real estate market! 

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Why Your Core Real Estate Investment Plays Should Be... Boring

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Apr 18, 2023

While certain aspects of investing in real estate can be electric and exciting, the bulk of your investment strategies should be boring. If you’re always on a real estate roller coaster that thrives on hype and risk, you’re not going to achieve what you need for lasting investment success.

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5 Steps for Investors to Guard Against Rising Real Estate Fraud

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Apr 13, 2023

Business Insider reports that fraud within the real estate industry is on the rise. This increase is likely a reaction to a somewhat hostile housing environment. Buyers and sellers are feeling desperate, and that desperation is something unsavory characters will take advantage of. Unfortunately, these aren’t all scams we can see a mile away.

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2 min read

Final Chance to Win Triple 7's With Our Recently Renovated SFRs!

By Chris Clothier on Wed, Apr 12, 2023

We're in the final days of our Triple 7's Offer, so now is the time to lock in your next investment property—like this recently renovated single-family residence in Memphis, Tennessee!

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6 Criteria for Investment Markets When Real Estate Prices Are High

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Apr 11, 2023

The real estate market as we know it seems to be settling into a “new normal,” where sellers recognize their need to make concessions and price adjustments and buyers have reluctantly accepted higher mortgage rates. That’s not to say that things won’t change – the market will continue to correct, albeit slowly.

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Is Real Estate a Good Investment in Economic Uncertainty?

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Apr 6, 2023

We get it – investing in an uncertain economy is nerve-wracking. You don’t know what to expect. It feels like there’s a genuine possibility of losing everything. While there will be challenges, investors can’t allow fear to stop them from building their wealth.

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Why You Should Invest in Dallas, and Why Now!

By Chris Clothier on Wed, Apr 5, 2023

For nearly twenty years, the slogan of Dallas, Texas, has been "Live Large. Think Big." Sounds like great advice to us!

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6 Ways Real Estate Investors Can Lower Their Tax Liability

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Apr 4, 2023

Tax Day is upon us! If you haven’t started working on filing for 2022, you may officially be procrastinating. We get it – taxes are never fun, even when you have a CPA doing the heavy lifting for you. With that said, you can make tax season a little less painful by leveraging your real estate investments to reduce your tax liability!

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How to Use Your Investment Markets to Your Advantage

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Mar 30, 2023

According to Warren Buffet, "be greedy when others are fearful." And there's plenty of fear in the real estate world. There's still ongoing debate about whether we're going to see a correction or a crash, how rising interest rates (yes, they're expected to get higher) will impact buyers, and if real estate is worth it anymore.

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What Do These Investment Properties Have in Common?

By Chris Clothier on Wed, Mar 29, 2023

They're all recently renovated single-family residences, with quality residents signed into two-year leases!

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5 Strategies to Take the Stress Out of Investing in Real Estate

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Mar 28, 2023

Investing in anything can be stressful if you allow it to be. While some investments are naturally riskier – and thus, generate more stress and uncertainty – investing in single-family rental properties is one of the less risky moves you can make.

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What Are the Most Stable U.S. Housing Markets?

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Mar 23, 2023

Stability tends to be an undervalued trait in investment assets. Though this seems counter to the nature of investing, investors are guilty of chasing the highs of the industry. Whether it’s knowing that high risk yields high rewards or simply the human need for a thrill, we’re attracted to high-octane investing.

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Spring Into Your Next Investment Property!

By Chris Clothier on Wed, Mar 22, 2023

Spring showers are no match for our renovations team, who recently finished their top-to-bottom, detail-oriented work on this single-family residence in Memphis, Tennessee!

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8 Qualities in SFRs that Keep Residents Coming Back for More

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Mar 21, 2023

Building a real estate investment empire isn’t about owning the most properties, charging the highest rates, or investing in the most luxurious markets. Success as an SFR investor comes through a high level of service and consistency. Your greatest asset apart from your properties is the people inhabiting them.

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The Danger of Fair-Weather Real Estate Investing

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Mar 16, 2023

Axios reports that the real estate market is rising from the dead as buyers and sellers make peace with challenging market conditions. Trends currently reflect increasing sales volume and much-needed signs of life.

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Dallas Is Heating Up, and This Transformation Tour Shows Why!

By Chris Clothier on Wed, Mar 15, 2023

Dallas-Ft. Worth has a massive population that skews towards young families. This property is the perfect example of a single-family rental that meets quality residents right where they are!

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7 Tips to Fast Track Investment Property Financing

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Mar 14, 2023

Buying investment properties is a process. If you’ve ever purchased a home with bank lending, you know just how it is – a complex process of sending, signing, and receiving documents. Then there’s the appraisal, closing, and everything happening behind the scenes.

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Rental Growth May Be Slowing, But the Outlook Is Positive

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Mar 9, 2023

Despite the ups and downs of the real estate market over the past few quarters, the single-family rental market has been on fire. Even though the tide of the market seems to be shifting in favor of buyers again, a robust seller’s market, oppressive asking prices, and tight inventory have left many looking to rent not just for the present, but for the long term.

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8 Questions Every Real Estate Investor Should Ask Their Portfolio Advisor

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Mar 7, 2023

Every successful real estate investor is supported by the unsung heroes of the industry: financial and portfolio advisor, property managers, contractors, and turnkey professionals. Not only do far too many investors neglect the wealth of professional resources at their disposal, but they don’t always make the most of the ones they have.

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Correction or Crash, Real Estate Investors Will Save the Housing Market

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Mar 2, 2023

There’s an ongoing debate among economists about the state of the real estate market. While the first months of the year give us some idea of where we’ll be throughout 2023, some are still fearful that the market will crash. After all, we’re coming off unprecedented highs, through inflation, and into a recession.

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Investors, Make Your Move in Memphis!

By Chris Clothier on Wed, Mar 1, 2023

There's a reason why we call Memphis home!

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6 Considerations When Investing in Real Estate for Retirement

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Feb 28, 2023

Everyone has their reasons for investing in real estate but investing for retirement is by far the most common. That’s for good reason, too – real estate is widely regarded as the best way to build passive wealth!

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Limited Time Offer! You Just Won 7's Across the Board!

By Chris Clothier on Mon, Feb 27, 2023

When you partner with REI Nation for your investment property purchase, you'll enjoy better returns on every property, every time. Now, it's time to hit the jackpot with REI Nation's Triple 7 Offer.

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The Countercyclical Nature of SFRs Makes a Wise Recession-Era Investment

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Feb 23, 2023

If you look at the headlines, you’ll see people questioning the wisdom of investing in real estate in the current market climate. And we won’t lie, things are different now. And while “different,” may mean pivoting to address new challenges, it doesn’t make investing in SFRs any less valuable than it always has been.

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1 min read

These Little Rock New Builds Were Just Added to Our Inventory!

By Chris Clothier on Wed, Feb 22, 2023

Little Rock has become one of our most popular markets for investors looking for reliable, long-term investment properties to add their portfolio. 

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