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Turnkey Real Estate Investing

3 min read

Worried About the Real Estate Market? Here’s the Secret to Investing

By Chris Clothier on Thu, May 2, 2024

If you want to lose your mind, try to keep up with all the predictions being made about the real estate market. Doing so is exhausting. Even if some interpretations and predictions have merit, they’re just that – predictions. In many ways, the headlines are designed to scare us. Navigating news on the real estate market is frustrating: full of mixed messages and emotionally charged rhetoric.

And for every opinion you see, you’ll find one to counter it. 

So, how do we move forward without fear as real estate investors? After all, we don't have time to be paralyzed by every doom-and-gloom headline. You're in luck - here are the secrets to fearless real estate investing.

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2 min read

5 Awesome Real Estate Blogs You Should Be Following

By Chris Clothier on Fri, Mar 20, 2015

We’ve recommended some other real estate investment blogs to our readers before. After all, it’s not enough to pull from one source — there are plenty of great blogs out there, offering different perspectives, flavors and insight that can shape a well-rounded, informed investor. We encourage you to scour the Internet! Seek out new voices in the industry.

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7 min read

Our Favorites...A List of "THE BEST" Real Estate Investing Blogs!

By Chris Clothier on Sun, Jul 28, 2013

Do you like keeping up with the latest news, tips and tricks in the real estate investing world?  If you are like me, then you have a subscription to a newspaper, several magazine deliveries and email alerts on real estate news from The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Memphis Daily News, Dallas Morning News, Memphis Business Journal, Ft. Worth Star Telegram...o.k., wait.  I get it, very few of you out there are as obsessive as me when it comes to news.  I fully admit to being a magazine hoarder.  I cannot go through an airport without picking up the latest copy of a magazine that I don't have a subscription to.  On a long flight I will pick up four!

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