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Turnkey Real Estate Investing

3 min read

5 Reasons Taking a Long-Term Approach to Your Investments Is Essential

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Aug 30, 2022

If you’re an investor, you might be feeling apprehensive in the economic climate of the day. It seems as through risk – and expenses – are constantly on the rise. You might wonder if it’s even worth it anymore!

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3 min read

3 Truths that Subvert Expectations in Real Estate Investment

By Chris Clothier on Fri, Mar 6, 2020

Real estate investment is a time-proven strategy for building wealth, particularly in the long-term. However, we see a multitude of misconceptions about investing in real estate. While some of these ideas are ultimately harmless, they become limiting beliefs that can hinder your ability to succeed and reach your full potential as a real estate investor.

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4 min read

Is Investing in Rental Properties a Sustainable Real Estate Strategy?

By Chris Clothier on Fri, Feb 14, 2020

Real estate investment is a time-honored method. There’s no doubt about that. However, the variations within the concept of real estate investing set the stage for questions as to what is truly the best way to invest.

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4 min read

Interested in Real Estate Investment? Target Your Best Strategy!

By Chris Clothier on Fri, Jan 24, 2020

Interested in a new venture and don’t know where to start? Real estate investment is one of those things that can seem much more complicated than it really is. Let’s be honest: many of us would rather invest in stocks or something “easy” and “safe.”

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3 min read

Investment Success Happens with a Proven Strategy

By Chris Clothier on Wed, Nov 13, 2019

What do you think it takes to succeed in real estate investment? When the rubber meets the road, success in real estate investment isn’t about the newest technology, the flashiest marketing, or the newest investment platform. No, if you want to find financial security and build your wealth through passive real estate investment, you have to rely on proven strategies. 

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4 min read

4 Genius Real Estate Investing Lessons that Seem Counterintuitive

By Chris Clothier on Fri, Jun 15, 2018

Have you ever been given advice that just seemed backward at the time? Maybe it didn’t make sense until you put it into practice. Then maybe, just maybe, it all clicked. It can be tough to follow advice that seems counterintuitive, especially when it comes to our finances. If something doesn’t make immediate sense to us, taking that leap of faith can be tough.

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4 min read

3 Reasons Your Purpose Makes or Breaks Your Success in Real Estate Investment

By Chris Clothier on Fri, Jun 8, 2018

There’s one thing at Memphis Invest that we believe stands between an investor and their success: their purpose.

Before you begin your journey as a real estate investor or as any kind of investor for that matter, you have to ask yourself why you’re investing in the first place.

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4 min read

Real Estate Investors Pay Close Attention: 9 Essentials to Do for Your Properties Now!

By Chris Clothier on Wed, Jan 11, 2017

As we give 2016 the boot, we can tackle the new year with renewed vigor! Enthusiasm! Spirit!.

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4 min read

5 Ways Patience Pays Off In Real Estate Investment

By Chris Clothier on Mon, Sep 12, 2016

There are plenty of virtues that make for a successful, well-rounded real estate investor. We’d argue the one of the most important is patience. In a world that teaches us to crave instant gratification, it’s practically a lost art!

For many, real estate investment is seen as a quick fix: maybe they’re not so naive as to call it a get-quick-rich scheme, but they expect things to work out quick and easy.

Any successful real estate investor will tell you that that’s far from the truth! Any type of real estate investment—even passive real estate investment—takes time and effort before the fruits of your labor really build and begin to multiply.

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4 min read

5 Secrets to Overcoming Fears About Investing In Real Estate

By Chris Clothier on Mon, Sep 5, 2016

Fear can be a powerful motivator. It can also hold us back from being all that we can be. Achieving anything when we’re afraid of moving forward is no easy feat: but making decisions and moving ahead in spite of our fears is often necessary for success!

When it comes to investing in real estate, you will have moments where you’ll be afraid. Whether it’s risk or uncertainty, fear can make it incredibly difficult for you to know when to take the plunge and when to hold back.

Overcoming fear is harder for some than others—especially if you’re prone to anxiety or worry. But when it comes to your investments, you can’t afford to be fearful. You can only afford to be smart. Here’s how you can begin to overcome the fears that are holding you back from financial freedom.

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