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3 min read

3 Things for Investors to Consider About Current Mortgage Rates

By Chris Clothier on Tue, May 26, 2015

Some people like to consider what some of the worst-sounding words in the English language are. While many would say moist is the most cringe-worthy word in our language, we’ve got to say that mortgage is right up there with it. The sound of the word is one thing, but the connotations that comes with it are another.

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3 min read

Lending & Borrowing For Investment Real Estate Getting Tougher

By Chris Clothier on Mon, Sep 30, 2013

If you have not been following all of the preparation for the implementation of the Dodd-Frank legislation then you may have missed the warning whistle.  There is a train headed your way and it is poised to make borrowing a lot more expensive.  Real estate investors who are making plans for their 2014 purchases are going to find a different lending landscape.  Not all of the rules are bad and some are absolutely needed.  But real estate investing will be different and investors need to be aware of the changes coming.  

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