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Turnkey Real Estate Investing

4 min read

What It Means to Invest in Tax-Friendly Markets

By Chris Clothier on Thu, May 16, 2024

In most cases, passive real estate investors aren’t in it solely for cash flow. One of the best reasons to invest in SFRs is simple: you reap rewards from cash flow, appreciation, and tax benefits. The taxes, in fact, are one of the main reasons people choose real estate!

But what are those benefits? And what should investors look for in individual investment markets? After all, local and state taxes can significantly impact the effectiveness of these policies. Here’s what you need to know!

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3 min read

What Investors Should Know About 2024 Tax Adjustments

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Nov 21, 2023

The IRS recently released updated guidelines for the 2024 tax year. Some of the most well-known standards shifted to account for inflation – the consensus being that these changes would mean more money in the pockets of Americans.

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3 min read

3 Real Estate Issues Post-Fiscal Cliff

By Chris Clothier on Wed, Jan 16, 2013

Whew! We made it. Barely. Through a series of last-minute sessions, Congress somehow managed to hash out and pass the Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012. In doing so, they narrowly averted the fiscal cliff. So…what does that mean, exactly?  Will it have any effect on Memphis real estate or the investors what are buying investment properties here in Memphis?

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