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Turnkey Real Estate Investing

3 min read

7 Things Elite Real Estate Investors Do Differently

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Jul 2, 2024

Anyone can be a real estate investor. But elite investors – those who genuinely excel and build lasting wealth through real estate – are built different. It’s not that they have some innate greatness or skill that others lack. Instead, they have the drive and discipline to establish habits that bring their investment success to new heights.

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3 min read

Why Millennials Are Investing in Turnkey Real Estate

By Chris Clothier on Tue, May 28, 2024

Millennials are a diverse demographic. Today, they’re between the ages of 27 and 42, between young adulthood and nearly middle-aged. Trust us; we’ve heard plenty of discourse about millennials and the housing market over the years.

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4 min read

What It Means to Invest in Tax-Friendly Markets

By Chris Clothier on Thu, May 16, 2024

In most cases, passive real estate investors aren’t in it solely for cash flow. One of the best reasons to invest in SFRs is simple: you reap rewards from cash flow, appreciation, and tax benefits. The taxes, in fact, are one of the main reasons people choose real estate!

But what are those benefits? And what should investors look for in individual investment markets? After all, local and state taxes can significantly impact the effectiveness of these policies. Here’s what you need to know!

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3 min read

What Investors Should Know About 2024 Tax Adjustments

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Nov 21, 2023

The IRS recently released updated guidelines for the 2024 tax year. Some of the most well-known standards shifted to account for inflation – the consensus being that these changes would mean more money in the pockets of Americans.

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3 min read

The Pros and Cons of Using Leverage for SFR Acquisitions

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Nov 7, 2023

Leverage is one of the big selling points where real estate investment is concerned. It makes sense why – it allows investors to use less of their own money to acquire valuable, income-generating assets. But, like all things, utilizing leverage comes with risks. While the advantages are significant, every investor must consider the pros and cons and decide how much to leverage.

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4 min read

7 Pieces of Financial Wisdom That Don't Work Anymore

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Oct 26, 2023

While some financial wisdom is timeless, the world we live in today has experienced vast changes in its economic and financial landscape. And with changing times comes a need for better, newer financial advice.

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10 min read

How (and When) to Consult Your Financial Advisor About Turnkey Real Estate

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Oct 19, 2023

We’ve all seen certain assets and investments go in and out of fashion.

However, real estate has long been a cornerstone of the economy at-large, mostly because land is a finite resource and shelter is an essential human need. There will always, then, be a demand for real estate in some form or fashion. For an investor, this lends certain reliability and stability that you would not find in other asset classes.

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3 min read

Why Remote Real Estate Frees Investors to Dream Big

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Sep 5, 2023

Traditionally, investors have looked upon owning far-away rental properties with suspicion. It seemed impossible to own and manage a property that was hours away from you. In today’s hyper-connected world, these impossibilities have disappeared. If work can be done remotely, why can’t investing in real estate?

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4 min read

Guest Blog: Top 10 Tips for First-Time Real Estate Investors

By Matt Haycox on Tue, Jun 13, 2023

Building wealth through real estate is a popular and veritable investment method, and the market is currently seeing a multifaceted expansion. Investing in property has several advantages such as capital growth, wealth creation, retirement planning and of course, tax benefits. Given that this is a highly competitive niche, being successful requires a careful strategy of planning and taking calculated risks.

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3 min read

Why You Should Be Using Your SDIRA to Invest in Real Estate

By Chris Clothier on Mon, Feb 6, 2023

The most successful real estate investors know that you must utilize every advantage at your disposal. One of those advantages is in utilizing a self-directed IRA (SDIRA) to invest. Here’s why you, too, should consider using an SDIRA in your real estate investment strategy.

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