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Turnkey Real Estate Investing

2 min read

ANALYSIS: Why Memphis is a Better Real Estate Investment City

By Chris Clothier on Wed, Apr 14, 2010

Do you read the daily articles in Yahoo real estate news?  How about DSNews.com?

These are two great real estate sites for keeping up with the everyday news and I happened across two articles today that I thought everyone should know about.  I will link them at the bottom of the page.

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2 min read

Bank strategy will lead to more investment properties in Memphis

By Chris Clothier on Fri, Jul 24, 2009

I have to admit, I was completely new to the term "extend and pretend" when I first heard it a couple of weeks back.  The investment real estate market, especially here in Memphis, TN. has been helped along by this strategy but also hampered by it. I was reading an article in my local newspaper and was shocked at what I read.  I was so dumbfounded after reading the article that I had to do some research on it before commenting here. 

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