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Turnkey Real Estate Investing

14 min read

The Investor’s Guide to San Antonio, Texas

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Dec 24, 2020

Over the years, REI Nation has expanded into a handful of hand-picked, carefully vetted investment markets. From our beginnings in Memphis, Tennessee to a total of some seven investment markets for the past few years, we are again expanding the opportunities that we offer to our investors. Naturally, every market is selected with our investors in mind — for the longevity and quality of their investments, as well as our ability to offer the quality and attention to detail that you know REI Nation for.

With several new markets on the horizon, it’s high time we made proper introductions for the newest members of the REI Nation market family: starting with San Antonio, Texas.

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3 min read

The Ultimate Year-End Checklist for Turnkey Real Estate Investors

By Chris Clothier on Wed, Dec 4, 2019

There are only a few weeks standing between you and the new year. Not only that, but we sit on the cusp of a new decade! With 2020 imminent, it’s crucial that real estate investors do some housekeeping in preparation not only for the new year but to close out 2019 strong. 

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4 min read

4 Steps to a Successful First Year in Real Estate Investment

By Chris Clothier on Fri, Aug 23, 2019

So you took the plunge. You’re officially a real estate investor! First of all, congratulations. You’ve begun your journey towards financial security — and freedom — for life. If you’re like most new investors, you likely feel nervous along with excited. After all, you just made a massive financial commitment. What if it doesn’t work out? What if you do something wrong? You don’t want to ruin your investment!

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4 min read

How Important is Timing in Real Estate Investment?

By Chris Clothier on Wed, Dec 26, 2018

As a new year approaches, no doubt the fire of ambition will be lit in many of us. Whether you're thinking about investing in real estate for the first time or have in you a desire to expand your portfolio, there is always some level of anxiety that can come with buying property. No matter how you invest in real estate, there tends to be this apprehension about whether or not the timing is right.

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4 min read

4 Benefits of Being "All In" As a Turnkey Real Estate Investor

By Chris Clothier on Fri, Jul 20, 2018

Total dedication can be an intimidating prospect. Most of us like to keep at least a small part of ourselves held back. It’s a self-preservation tactic. When it comes to investing in anything, there’s inherent risk, and because of that risk, we don’t always treat our investments as we should.

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4 min read

3 Reasons Your Purpose Makes or Breaks Your Success in Real Estate Investment

By Chris Clothier on Fri, Jun 8, 2018

There’s one thing at Memphis Invest that we believe stands between an investor and their success: their purpose.

Before you begin your journey as a real estate investor or as any kind of investor for that matter, you have to ask yourself why you’re investing in the first place.

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4 min read

Accuracy: The Key to Turnkey Investment Success

By Chris Clothier on Wed, May 23, 2018

There are certain qualities that turnkey real estate investors must champion if they hope to succeed in real estate investment. Building a successful real estate portfolio doesn’t happen for everyone—it happens for the people who know how to do it right, for the people who hone the right skills and qualities, and for the people who have the drive and the passion to make it happen.

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5 min read

3 Things That Make Real Estate Investors Panic (And Why You Shouldn't)

By Chris Clothier on Sat, May 12, 2018

Money matters can make the best of us feel anxious from time to time. We’ve all seen what happens when stocks crash. Despite the fact that the company could very well recover, many panicked investors, rather than risk losing any more of their money than they already have, sell and jump ship instead of holding on to hope.

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4 min read

Balance: The Key to Turnkey Investment Success

By Chris Clothier on Tue, May 8, 2018

In some way or another, we’re all searching for balance. Whether we’re trying to juggle our professional and personal lives, looking for space for both ourselves and our relationships, or even a more balanced diet, the quest for the perfect ratio of everything in each aspect of our lives is never ending.

Balance is also an integral part of the turnkey investment equation. If you want to find success as a real estate investor—growing a portfolio, seeing your net worth increase, and having your assets multiply over time—you have to understand the value of balance from the very beginning.

This is what you need to understand about balance as a turnkey real estate investor.

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4 min read

Must-Haves for Turnkey Investment Success: Commitment

By Chris Clothier on Fri, Apr 27, 2018

What does it really take for a turnkey investor to succeed? There are a lot of factors that go into one’s investment success, and while you can argue that many are beyond your control: market conditions, happenstance, even dumb luck...there are so many factors that are in your hands as owner and investor.

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