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Turnkey Real Estate Investing

3 min read

6 Essential Steps to Establish Your SFR Emergency Fund

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Jul 11, 2024

Have you ever watched a trapeze act? Performers dazzle crowds with their impressive aerial feats. They balance, swing, and fly through the air! These acts are entertaining no matter what, but some feel the need to up the ante by removing the safety net. The tension – and entertainment – comes from the knowledge that a single mistake could mean serious injury…even death!

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3 min read

6 Hidden Risks That Come with Passive Real Estate Investment

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Apr 23, 2024

When investing in real estate, some risks are obvious. Others? Less so. Effective risk management involves recognizing and mitigating all risks, from the common to the rare. Are the chances slim? Sure. But you’ll be kicking yourself if you don’t do your due diligence in handling these sneaky buy-and-hold real estate investing risks! 

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3 min read

Investment Moves to Make (and Avoid) During a Recession

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Jan 24, 2023

Every stage of the real estate cycle – even recessions – provides opportunities for investors who know where to look. Your success in this business isn’t up to fate or the turning tides of the market. Ultimately, success comes down to how much you’re willing to work for what you want – and whether you take hold of the opportunities in front of you.

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3 min read

Assess Your Risk Tolerance With These 7 Questions

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Sep 13, 2022

Whether you’re an investor, an entrepreneur, or a person with a pulse navigating the world, you have an inherent level of risk tolerance. It’s the amount of risk that you’re comfortable taking – what you’re willing to lose. 

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3 min read

Essential Considerations Before Investing in ANYTHING

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Jul 12, 2022

Whether you’re investing in stock, real estate, or any other asset, there are strict standards you must follow to achieve your financial goals. It’s not about getting lucky or being in the right place at the right time. These things can happen (and help!), but your investment success depends far more on following the right roadmap.

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3 min read

5 Big Indicators You're in an Overvalued Real Estate Market

By Chris Clothier on Wed, Apr 13, 2022

Although real estate remains one of the best investments you can make – particularly if you’re looking to beat inflation – buying investment properties demands more due diligence than ever simply because of intense market conditions.

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3 min read

Understanding Price-to-Income Ratios as a Real Estate Investor

By Chris Clothier on Wed, Apr 6, 2022

On this blog, we often point to the various factors that indicate a worthwhile investment market.

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Welcome to The Grind!

By Chris Clothier on Wed, Jun 2, 2021

Are you ready for The Grind?

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