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Turnkey Real Estate Investing

3 min read

9 Red Flags Investors Should NEVER Ignore When Buying a Property

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Aug 29, 2024

What made you immediately decide not to buy something you were considering? A bad review? A greater expense than anticipated? Unfortunately for us real estate investors, there are no reviews for potential properties. Thankfully, there are red flags that help us know when a real estate deal is less than ideal.

Turnkey investors have an advantage here – their turnkey partners have plenty of experience identifying and vetting ideal investment properties. But that doesn’t mean you’ll always go this route. Regardless of your investment strategy, it’s good to know what red flags to look for…if only so you can ask informed questions!

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4 min read

9 Topics to Discuss with a Financial Advisor BEFORE Buying a Property

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Jun 13, 2024

Every investor benefits from the counsel of a financial advisor. Ideally, your advisor knows you, what you want and need, and the essential aspects of your investment strategies. Their perspective and know-how help construct effective action plans and mitigate risk along the way.

But advisors aren’t just there for big-picture talk. Before you move forward with a property acquisition, consult your advisor to ensure you’re making the best decisions possible for the health of your investment portfolio.

As a passive real estate investor, here are some key topics to cover:

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3 min read

9 Questions to Ask Before You Make a Big Financial Decision

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Mar 5, 2024

Committing to a huge financial decision is never easy. It’s a process of back-and-forth, pros and cons, self-doubt, and infinite, exciting potential. For many, this is the decision to make a significant investment. We all know how critical due diligence is, including asking serious questions!

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5 min read

5 Golden Financial Strategies That Save Money Around the Clock

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Apr 27, 2017

Let’s do a quick self-evaluation. On a scale of one to ten, how good do you consider yourself with money?

There’s a lot of different criteria that could go into your answer. If you really think hard about it and try to answer honestly, it might take some time to come to a conclusion. If we’re honest with ourselves, most of us have weaknesses when it comes to money management.

Topics: finance
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4 min read

5 Business & Finance Podcasts Worth Listening To

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Mar 31, 2016

Who doesn’t love a good podcast? If you haven’t decided to start listening to podcasts, we encourage you to give them a shot. They’re great when you’re traveling, commuting, or even doing low-focus tasks that allow you to listen.

We live in a world where pretty much anyone can start their own radio show over the Internet, and while there are definitely some duds out there, there are some real gems, and ones that real estate investors can learn from.

These are just a few business and finance podcasts we’ve found that you might want to check out!

Topics: finance podcasts
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