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Turnkey Real Estate Investing

4 min read

What Actually Drives the Real Estate Market?

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Oct 15, 2024

The Average Joe likely looks at the real estate market of 2024 in shock and awe. Prices are high, but mortgage rate cuts promised to bring everything back into balance. Meanwhile, data shows that the real estate market remains frozen, with only a tiny percentage of homes on the market changing hands.

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3 min read

This is How Investors Solve the Riddle of Rental Turnover

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Oct 10, 2024

Rental property turnover: the bane of an investor’s existence.

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3 min read

When Real Estate Investors Should Make Insurance Claims

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Oct 8, 2024

Insurance feels, in many ways, to be a necessary evil. Not only is insurance largely required, whether on a car or a property, but it can also seem like paying for nothing until you actually need it. And even then, many of us have experienced the headache of trying to make a claim and get a promised payout.

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4 min read

What a Construction Boom Means for U.S. Real Estate

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Oct 1, 2024

Could a construction boom be on the way for 2025? Some experts seem to think so. Our friends at Bigger Pockets are also discussing the possibility – foreseeing the lower rates will kickstart construction activity – if not in 2025, certainly within the next five years.

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3 min read

6 Guiding Principles to Avoid Real Estate Investment Fraud

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Sep 17, 2024

One of the biggest real estate investment fraud schemes in recent history has been exposed. Wells Real Estate Investment promised investors that their money would be used to buy, renovate, and develop commercial and residential properties across South Florida. Instead, they gambled $28 million of $58 million in investor funds on speculative options and futures trading.

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3 min read

When Should SFR Investors Refinance?

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Sep 12, 2024

Mortgage data from Freddie Mac suggests that, as inflation slows, interest rates will continue to slide back down. And no – we’re not going to see 3% rates any time soon – but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth your while to revisit your existing mortgages! But when should real estate investors look to refinance? And how do they know it’s the right time?

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3 min read

9 Red Flags Investors Should NEVER Ignore When Buying a Property

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Aug 29, 2024

What made you immediately decide not to buy something you were considering? A bad review? A greater expense than anticipated? Unfortunately for us real estate investors, there are no reviews for potential properties. Thankfully, there are red flags that help us know when a real estate deal is less than ideal.

Turnkey investors have an advantage here – their turnkey partners have plenty of experience identifying and vetting ideal investment properties. But that doesn’t mean you’ll always go this route. Regardless of your investment strategy, it’s good to know what red flags to look for…if only so you can ask informed questions!

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3 min read

6 Valuable Lessons from the Florida Real Estate Nightmare

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Aug 22, 2024

To our Floridian readers out there, fair warning: we’re about to pick on your state a little.

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4 min read

Real Estate Showdown: Short- Versus Long-Term Rentals

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Aug 8, 2024

In the sea of real estate investment asset types and strategies, two tend to pique the public’s interest more than others: short-term and long-term rentals. But how do these two stack up against one another?

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3 min read

Busting 5 Myths About Earning Passive Income

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Aug 1, 2024

In the information age, misinformation is a big problem. Plenty of people say whatever it takes to earn a buck, stir up controversy, or gain notoriety. It’s no different in the crowded world of financial and investment content. Take a look, and you’ll find your fair share of financial gurus offering empty, inactionable advice. And from people like that come plenty of myths…namely about earning passive income!

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