Maybe investing in real estate is a new concept for you. Growing up, maybe your parents stuck to stocks or didn’t invest at all. And now that you’re in the rough-and-tumble financial climate of today, rife with inflation, recession, and unpredictability, you’re looking for a way to establish wealth not just for yourself, but to be the one who establishes generational wealth for your family.
5 min read
Be the First in Your Family to Become a Real Estate Investor
By Chris Clothier on Wed, Nov 23, 2022
3 min read
The BEST Advice for Beginner Real Estate Investors
By Chris Clothier on Wed, Aug 3, 2022
You’re in an exciting position if you’re on the cusp of investing in real estate. There are endless opportunities before you – opportunities to build lasting wealth, earn passive income, and experience greater financial peace of mind.
3 min read
8 Clues You Should Skip a Potential Investment Property
By Chris Clothier on Wed, Mar 2, 2022
When you’re a green real estate investor, it’s not always obvious what is and isn’t a good investment opportunity. In fact, even experienced investors can be bamboozled by a bad property or a shady deal. With inflation the highest it’s been in decades, you have more to lose by taking on the wrong investment.
3 min read
8 Brilliant Tips for Passive Investing Newbies
By Chris Clothier on Wed, Feb 23, 2022
Real estate investment is the top choice for the wealthy worldwide. If you want a piece of that pie, getting started is easy but succeeding is another matter entirely!
3 min read
LLCs and Licensing: What Do Real Estate Investors Need?
By Chris Clothier on Wed, Dec 30, 2020
Investing in real estate can be a daunting prospect for newcomers. Not only is there concern over the feasibility and success of your brand-new venture, but there are technical aspects that you may not totally understand yet. From taxes and forming entities to getting a real estate license, it is all intimidating.
3 min read
4 Ways to Maximize Potential in Turnkey Real Estate Investment
By Chris Clothier on Fri, Dec 25, 2020
In real estate investment, there is a constant tension between scaling one’s portfolio and maximizing the potential of your current holdings. We all want to scale — after all, growing your portfolio grows your streams of income.
3 min read
5 Key Money Moves for First-Time Real Estate Investors
By Chris Clothier on Fri, Sep 18, 2020
Big financial commitments are always a little daunting. This is particularly true when it comes to investing — after all, you won’t see an immediate reward for your hard-earned money. When investing in real estate, the initial down-payment is critical, but it’s far from the only or the most important factor in your financial success.
3 min read
This is What Makes Real Estate Such a Smart Investment
By Chris Clothier on Fri, Sep 11, 2020
We all want a secure, reliable financial future. As people, we just want to have something dependable. Life can be so unpredictable in ways both good and bad. This can make it challenging to chart a course on your path to financial security. So often, we rely on hearsay, the success of others, and speculation when making these decisions.
4 min read
6 Essential Rules for New Passive Real Estate Investors
By Chris Clothier on Fri, Sep 4, 2020
Though investing in real estate seems to be hotter than ever, new real estate investors can’t expect to find success by diving into the deep end. For investors, success comes with time, patience, and experience. Thankfully, new investors don’t have to rely on trial-and-error to come out on top. Because so many have come before us, we can learn from their triumphs and failures.
3 min read
These 4 Principles Guide Successful Real Estate Investors
By Chris Clothier on Fri, Aug 7, 2020
As we face some significant economic challenges, the stability and growth of the housing market are catching the eyes of many would-be real estate investors. Before diving into real estate investment with dreams of quick cash and easy wealth-building, we have to know what principles guide success in this business.