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Turnkey Real Estate Investing

3 min read

7 Things Elite Real Estate Investors Do Differently

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Jul 2, 2024

Anyone can be a real estate investor. But elite investors – those who genuinely excel and build lasting wealth through real estate – are built different. It’s not that they have some innate greatness or skill that others lack. Instead, they have the drive and discipline to establish habits that bring their investment success to new heights.

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3 min read

Why Millennials Are Investing in Turnkey Real Estate

By Chris Clothier on Tue, May 28, 2024

Millennials are a diverse demographic. Today, they’re between the ages of 27 and 42, between young adulthood and nearly middle-aged. Trust us; we’ve heard plenty of discourse about millennials and the housing market over the years.

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4 min read

15 Compelling Reasons to Consult a Financial Advisor

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Jan 18, 2024

It might be cliché to think of a new year as a clean slate, but it can still be a beneficial way to think about it. Besides getting in shape, financial health is one of the top priorities among those who make New Year’s Resolutions. Regardless of where you are with your financial goals, now is a great time to refocus. And what better way to do that than through a financial advisor?

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4 min read

7 Pieces of Financial Wisdom That Don't Work Anymore

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Oct 26, 2023

While some financial wisdom is timeless, the world we live in today has experienced vast changes in its economic and financial landscape. And with changing times comes a need for better, newer financial advice.

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3 min read

Don’t Follow Outdated Financial Advice!

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Jul 25, 2023

There will always be tried-and-true financial strategies we can rely on. However, that isn’t true of all age-old wisdom. Believe it or not, the same advice that worked for your dad and his dad won’t necessarily work for you. If you’re looking for financial wisdom, you must be sure it’s relevant and applicable to your time, circumstances, and personal finance.

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3 min read

6 Ways Real Estate Investors Can Lower Their Tax Liability

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Apr 4, 2023

Tax Day is upon us! If you haven’t started working on filing for 2022, you may officially be procrastinating. We get it – taxes are never fun, even when you have a CPA doing the heavy lifting for you. With that said, you can make tax season a little less painful by leveraging your real estate investments to reduce your tax liability!

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4 min read

How to Harvest Valuable Financial Wisdom from Your Failures

By Chris Clothier on Wed, Jun 26, 2019

It's safe to say that none of us are perfect when it comes to our finances. That said, we aren't striving for perfection: we're striving for success. What separates success from failure often isn't in our initial action, it is in our response to the outcome. How well we learn from financial missteps is telling of where we will end up in the future.

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4 min read

How to Conquer 4 Major Financial Fears Everyone Faces

By Chris Clothier on Wed, Apr 3, 2019

The modern age is full of anxiety. In fact, millennials are often called the “anxious generation,” as they experience stress and anxiety at higher rates than any generation before them. However, we think it’s safe to say that people of all generations deal with anxieties about money. We all have fears—rational and irrational alike—when it comes to our bank account.

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4 min read

An Investor's Guide to Curating Financial Advice Online

By Chris Clothier on Fri, Mar 22, 2019

In the digital age, we’re exposed to more information than ever. In a study put forth by the New York Times a decade ago, it was suggested that Americans consume 34 gigabytes of content and 100,000 words each day. That doesn’t necessarily mean we’re reading those words, but we’re seeing them.

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4 min read

Reviving 6 Pieces of Timeless Financial Advice

By Chris Clothier on Wed, Mar 13, 2019

At Memphis Invest, there are few things we love more than helping people make the most of their finances. It’s exciting for us to sit down with our investors and talk about money—the future, planning, retirement, all of it. That said, it also benefits us to look to the past.

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