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Turnkey Real Estate Investing

4 min read

What Causes a Housing Bubble Anyway?

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Apr 25, 2024

In the real estate world, there’s almost always someone talking about a housing bubble. But what exactly is it? What causes it? And what happens after the bubble bursts?

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3 min read

What Real Estate Investors Should Know About a Housing Market Correction

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Jul 20, 2023

Over the past year or so, it’s been impossible to escape real estate market doomsaying. It seems everyone is holding their breath in anticipation of a bursting bubble or housing crash. That, however, doesn’t seem as likely as a slow housing market correction.

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3 min read

Falling Real Estate Fever Just May Circumvent a Housing Bubble

By Chris Clothier on Wed, Apr 27, 2022

The main hope for rising mortgage interest rates was that, in response, real estate prices would cool. Rising interest rates have been a point of concern for investors and average homebuyers alike – with housing more expensive than ever, even a marginal rate increase could mean thousands more paid in mortgage interest.

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3 min read

4 Strategies for Avoiding Real Estate Market Bubbles

By Chris Clothier on Wed, Nov 17, 2021

Over the past year, talk of a real estate bubble has been frequent and hotly debated. Are we in a bubble? Are we not? When will the market crash if it crashes at all?

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4 min read

What We Need to Understand About the End of the Housing Boom

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Aug 17, 2021

The pandemic housing boom is over.

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4 min read

What Investors Must Know About a Potential Housing Bubble

By Chris Clothier on Wed, Nov 25, 2020

The 2020 real estate market has been surprising in more ways than one. No one could have predicted that the market would not only survive, but thrive during an unprecedented global pandemic. If we look back at predictions earlier in the year and even pre-pandemic, a market crash was certainly on all our minds.

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