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Turnkey Real Estate Investing

9 min read

How Inflation Plays into the Investment Equation

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Aug 17, 2021

While the word “recession” dominated economic discussion throughout 2020 and 2021, “inflation” is the new buzzword among economists. You can’t throw a rock without hitting a report about the U.S. inflation problem.

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3 min read

3 Key Qualities in Exceptional Buy-and-Hold Investment Markets

By Chris Clothier on Wed, Aug 11, 2021

Your real estate investment strategy impacts which markets you should target. Where buy-and-hold investing is concerned, your market choice is paramount.

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3 min read

4 Strategies for Avoiding Investment Property Regrets

By Chris Clothier on Wed, Jul 14, 2021

“Expectation vs reality” is a popular form of internet listicle, often sharing the stories of duped customers expecting an amazing product for a cheap price. When that's the set up, the reality is never short of disappointing. 

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3 min read

Hate Risk? 3 Keys to Defensive Real Estate Investment

By Chris Clothier on Wed, Mar 31, 2021

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: every investment comes with some level of risk. This isn’t a surprise. Our risk tolerance varies based on personality, financial circumstances, goals, experiences, and our foundational knowledge of how to invest and manage money.

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4 min read

Investor Strategies for Winning in Outrageously Hot Markets

By Chris Clothier on Fri, Mar 26, 2021

Since the end of the Great Recession, the U.S. housing market has been on the rebound.

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3 min read

What Makes Real Estate the Most Ethical Investment?

By Chris Clothier on Wed, Mar 17, 2021

Motley Fool recently published a piece that declared real estate one of the most ethical forms of investing. We have to agree! As the article suggests, real estate investing has garnered a bit of a bad reputation throughout the pandemic. This isn’t because investor experiences have been particularly bad, but because the people they serve have been in increasingly bad situations.

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4 min read

Rental Properties VS REITs: Which One is the Safer Investment?

By Chris Clothier on Fri, Feb 26, 2021

Investing in anything is a game of risk management. As a general rule, your potential rewards increase as risk increases. There is no such thing as a risk-free investment. And while people with various levels of skill and experience can capitalize on high-risk opportunities, most of us don’t have the constitution for that much stress. 

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4 min read

One Passive Real Estate Investment Method Comes Out on Top

By Chris Clothier on Fri, Feb 12, 2021

By now, you know that there are many different ways to approach real estate investment. For most of us, the biggest initial question about your strategy is whether or not you want to be an active or passive investor.

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4 min read

4 Proven Ways to Manage Real Estate Market Anxieties

By Chris Clothier on Wed, Dec 9, 2020

As an investor, what’s the biggest challenge you face? While you might say scaling your portfolio or having enough capital to fulfill your big plans, one of the biggest struggles investors face is internal. After all, we’re human. When it comes to our money and something as big as one’s financial future, investment decisions can be scary.

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3 min read

When and Where Do We Invest in the Middle of a Pandemic?

By Chris Clothier on Wed, Sep 2, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown a wrench into a lot of plans. Whether we had dreams of big 2020 vacations, family reunions, or big financial moves, the state of the world has led us to reconsider more than a few things. The pandemic has taken its toll on our health, our social lives, the economy, and our finances. 

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