Don't miss today's house tour from Portfolio Advisor Malorie Moore and Rehab Market Manager Matt Rowan. They give you insights into the renovations that we recently performed on this Memphis-area property, and why it makes for a great investment!
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This Memphis-Area Property Is Available Now!
By Chris Clothier on Tue, Sep 13, 2022
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Tour Another Memphis-Area Property With Us!
By Chris Clothier on Tue, Sep 6, 2022
Today, Portfolio Advisor Malorie Moore and Rehab Market Manager Matt Rowan are taking you through a recently renovated Memphis-area property. Don't miss the features of this residence that make it a winner for residents and owners alike!
1 min read
REI Nation Portfolio Advisors Tour Memphis-Area Property
By Chris Clothier on Mon, Aug 29, 2022
Move over, Chris Clothier! Today, Malorie Moore and Taz Zettergren are taking over as tour guides, taking you through a recently renovated Memphis-area property. Don't hesitate to contact one of these two portfolio advisors to learn more about single-family residences we have available for purchase—just like this one!
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From Loud to Deluxe - Memphis Turnkey Transformation
By Chris Clothier on Tue, Aug 24, 2021
This week’s Transformation Tuesday is from Memphis, Tennessee.
You couldn't miss this unique two-story home! With a salmon-red exterior, stone chimney and porch columns, and a front portico, this property was a confluence of features that didn't quite match. Inside, the same crime: dated styles clashed with heavy wood features. With a little bit of TLC, however, this residence is noteworthy for all new reasons!
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Memphis & the Rental Revolution: Why More Americans Are Turning Into Renters
By Chris Clothier on Wed, Aug 22, 2018
In the U.S., the attitude towards renting versus homeownership has been changing for years now. With this year’s tax reform shifting and reducing some of the benefits of owning a home, we’re seeing more and more change in the narrative around purchasing a home versus renting debate. And everything points to good news for real estate investors.
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7 Stunning Qualities That Make Memphis One-of-a-Kind
By Chris Clothier on Tue, Dec 8, 2015
Many of our investors are investing out-of-state. They don’t call Memphis home, but they know that this place has something great to offer. Before really drilling down into the other six incredible characteristics that make Memphis such a unique city, let me add one that rarely makes too many lists.
The Memphis Invest & Premier Property Management teams!
This is an extraordinary group of men and women who do an outstanding job every day managing an incredibly large portfolio. They are a tremendous factor in the success of over 1,600 real estate investors investing their hard earned incomes and retirement accounts into investment real estate. This team is second to none in the country and they are an extremely unique value for real estate investors and this city alike!
Now, onto the amazing things that Memphis has to offer. And boy, does Memphis have some amazing things going for it! Every city has problems, sure: we’re not trying to romanticize. But at the end of the day, we can’t help but love Memphis.
If you’ve ever considered investing here, visiting, or even moving to Memphis, let us tell you a few of the things that make Memphis so incredible.
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5 Reasons Memphis is Ideal for Out-of-State Investing
By Chris Clothier on Fri, Oct 30, 2015
In the past, the rental markets that people clamored for were typically coastal cities. In the East, there was Florida and New York. The West had California’s many offerings, like San Francisco and Los Angeles. Undoubtedly, there’s some almost magical appeal about big markets like that. But investors, for a long time now, are taking advantage of alternative markets that have offerings that can make for just as much (if not more) success.
The big markets have grown so expensive that investing in them has become challenging to say the least, for all but the most affluent investors. The rent-to-price ratio just doesn’t add up in a favorable way for most real estate investors. Over the past several years, real estate investors are progressively looking inland for investment opportunities—and they’re finding them!
For out-of-state investors, it’s vital to looking for that marriage of affordability and potential in the rental market. Out of the places you’ll find, Memphis, Tennessee is pretty high on that list.
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Memphis Trends Mark Positive Real Estate Investing Waves
By Chris Clothier on Sat, Aug 15, 2015
While Memphis might not be the biggest fish out there for real estate investing according to most, it doesn’t mean our great city doesn’t hold its own. Exciting economic opportunities are opening up in Memphis thanks to blossoming commercial and retail sectors. This week, Dean Jernigan of Jernigan Capital announced plans to move the publicly traded companies corporate headquarters from Miami, FL. along with offices in Cleveland, OH. to the Poplar corridor in East Memphis. This makes the 13th publicly traded company to headquarter in Memphis.
This is great news for the business crowd in Memphis and made many stand up and cheer since Mr. Jernigan is no stranger to building huge companies in Memphis. Along with some impressive gains in the housing market announced this week it is hard to be more excited. While all markets have their ups-and-downs (Memphis real estate included), it’s hard not to get excited when you hear about what the local economy is cooking up.
We know, of course, that Memphis was named of the best places for millennials to be — and our great city is well on her way to proving it. From the opening of the Bass Pro Shops megastore in the iconic Memphis Pyramid to IKEA’s plan to plant a flag, the healthy and growing retail and commercial markets are playing a big part in the overall health of the economy: and in the performance of the real estate market.
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Memphis Real Estate Picks Up for Homebuying Season
By Chris Clothier on Fri, May 29, 2015
Welcome to the peak home buying season of the year! The first quarter of 2015 was sluggish in many real estate markets, Memphis included. The cold temperatures combined with lingering recession struggles and aftereffects of the market crash meant that things were slow to take off. But now, it looks like Memphis real estate is in for an upturn. One big reason...real estate investing! As more and more are turning to renting a property rather than buying, the opportunity for real estate investors continues to grow.
Don’t get us wrong, the market wasn’t bad in the first quarter — homes were selling and home building was on the rise in Shelby County. There just wasn’t significant growth during the difficult months of February and March. By the same token, there wasn’t a decline in growth, either, which has lead to much optimism for the second quarter among real estate professionals.
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5 Great Blues Places When Visiting Memphis For Real Estate Investing
By Chris Clothier on Thu, Mar 5, 2015
Memphis is synonymous with the blues. This southern city is the hallowed ground of the soulful genre, and others, such as rock & roll and jazz, have their roots built from the blues. From W.C. Handy to B.B. King, Memphis has been host to musical innovators turned blues superstars.
So, the blues are hot in Memphis, but so is our company, Memphis Invest, and the opportunity to invest in a solid, long-term investment market and team. This is a great time to come to Memphis and visit our team, our offices and our city and maybe even catch some blues while you are at it!