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Turnkey Real Estate Investing

4 min read

8 Tactics for Improving Resident Retention in Your SFRs

By Chris Clothier on Thu, May 9, 2024

Resident retention is the investor’s best avenue to reliable cash flow. Vacancies cost money – costs for lost rental income, preparing for the next resident, and marketing the property, to name a few! As a real estate investor, one of your top priorities – regardless of your strategy – is to keep good residents for the long haul.

But how do we do that? What do retention rates mean? How are they calculated? Keep reading to find out more!

How Retention Rates Work

We can talk about metrics all day, but they’re useless if we don’t understand how to calculate and interpret the data! Generally speaking, your rental property retention rate is calculated by dividing the number of residents (or renter households) that moved out during a twelve-month period by the total number of residents/households you had over that same period. Then, multiply that result by 100. 

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4 min read

Crucial Questions New Investors MUST Ask a Property Management Company

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Feb 20, 2024

Knowing who to partner with as a new real estate investor isn’t easy. As an owner-investor, due diligence rests on your shoulders from the beginning. To be a passive investor, you must first find the right property management company. The quality and integrity of their business will guide your success.

Now, there are many elements to vetting a management company – looking at their public information, reviewing their quarterly and annual reports, and soliciting reviews from other investors. But perhaps the most critical step for a new investor is asking questions.

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3 min read

5 Big Reasons Renters Prefer Professional Property Management

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Aug 1, 2023

Plenty of inexperienced real estate investors choose to fly solo. They imagine doing it all themselves will save money and leave more rental income in their pocket each month. While this is true, their overall portfolio will suffer in the end. Doing it alone stunts and limits your growth, which is critical for building lasting wealth across multiple income streams.

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5 min read

Essential Questions to Ask Potential Property Managers Before Hiring

By Chris Clothier on Sun, Apr 30, 2023

At REI Nation, we value property management because we're investors ourselves. Our processes are designed to maintain and care for your properties as if they were ours, because that's exactly how we got started!

However, if you're continuing your search for the right fit to manage your properties, we highly recommend you do your due diligence. 

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3 min read

8 Qualities in SFRs that Keep Residents Coming Back for More

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Mar 21, 2023

Building a real estate investment empire isn’t about owning the most properties, charging the highest rates, or investing in the most luxurious markets. Success as an SFR investor comes through a high level of service and consistency. Your greatest asset apart from your properties is the people inhabiting them.

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3 min read

6 Asset Management Strategies for Passive Real Estate Investors

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Nov 22, 2022

The bigger your real estate investment portfolio grows, the more diligent you must be in wealth management.

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7 min read

A Look Inside the Property Management Experience at Memphis Invest

By Chris Clothier on Fri, Dec 7, 2018

Property management is one of the toughest jobs in the world of real estate investment. Pleasing and retaining residents, ensuring properties are well-taken care of, and protecting your investments on the day-to-day is an often under-appreciated but critical part of your success.

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3 min read

Celebrating 5,000 Real Estate Investment Properties under Property Management!

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Sep 20, 2018

After 15 years, this week, Memphis Invest celebrated closing on our 5,000th property!

This is a HUGE milestone for us, and also for the people that helped get us to where we are. From our clients, to our staff, vendors, and residents, we are extremely grateful for everyone that has been a part of growing our company and our vision.

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4 min read

3 Lines of Defense Against Rental Property Damage

By Chris Clothier on Mon, Oct 23, 2017

As real estate investors, we all want our properties to stay in tip-top condition. After all, a rental property in good condition means it shows better, retains and accumulates better value, and better satisfies our residents. When we’re not actively working to improve the condition of our investment properties, we certainly don’t want them to be damaged.

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4 min read

Top 5 Ways Investors Can Support Their Property Management Team

By Chris Clothier on Fri, Aug 4, 2017

Property owners who started off landlording know just how tough the job can be. You know that property management is a whole different game, and you understand that having a good team supporting and maintaining your properties is just about the best asset you can have in this business.

But just having a property management team isn’t really good enough. Some real estate investors might be content to hire the first property management company that comes along, but you might want to dig a little deeper than that!

Investors who are lucky enough to work with Memphis Invest have heard us say over and over again that being passive about your passive investments is a sure-fire way to fall to frustration.  YOU must be an engaged investor!  There are a few minimal actions you can follow that will greatly improve your experience and reduce your levels of frustration as an out of state investor.  

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