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Turnkey Real Estate Investing

3 min read

What Makes a Housing Market Riskier Than Others?

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Jul 25, 2024

As the real estate market cools and potentially slides into a downturn (which is natural and not the same as a crash, mind you), investors must examine their risk exposure. New data from ATTOM shows that Southern and Midwestern markets are at the least risk for a serious downturn overall.

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How to Make Up for Lost Time in Real Estate Investment

By Chris Clothier on Fri, Jul 5, 2024

Are your investment goals out of reach as a “late bloomer” investor? Sure, in this business, time is of the essence. The sooner you can get started, the better. That doesn’t mean you’re disqualified from real estate investment success if you don’t start until your forties, fifties, or beyond!

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3 min read

5 Ways SFR Residents Factor Into Your Success

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Jun 11, 2024

If you were to ask a room of SFR investors what the most crucial factor in success was, you would get a whole array of answers: the location, the property itself, the property management, accurate number-crunching…the list goes on!

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5 Strategies Investors Use to Fight Rising Insurance Rates

By Chris Clothier on Tue, May 14, 2024

Though passive investors may not be involved in the day-to-day operations of their rental properties, they have plenty of responsibilities. One such responsibility is in managing and maximizing cash flow. This task starts from the outset as you weigh the cost of a rental property and its ongoing expenses against cash flow potential. But it doesn’t end there!

Those ongoing costs tend to increase over time – and part of your job is mitigating those increases to best preserve and maximize passive income.

Further Reading: Top Tips for Increasing the Profitability of Your Investment Properties

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4 min read

5 Ways to Manage the Unique Risks of Out-of-State Investing

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Apr 30, 2024

Investing out-of-state is one of the best things a passive real estate investor can do for their portfolio. After all, investing beyond your local market comes with some distinct advantages, such as:

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3 min read

5 Tell-Tale Signs of an Overpriced Real Estate Market

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Apr 16, 2024

Is your real estate market overpriced? Navigating today’s housing market isn’t easy. Though inventory is going up and mortgage rates are going down, property prices are still sky-high. For the real estate investor, it’s pretty easy to assess your local market. Things get tougher as you go further afield.

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3 min read

What it Means to Take Nothing on Faith in Real Estate Investment

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Mar 14, 2024

Sometimes you’ll hear us refer to a very simple rule for real estate investors: take nothing on faith. But what does that really mean, and why is it essential to success as a passive real estate investor? 

Essentially, we’re telling investors to do their due diligence, to ask questions, to verify, and to absolutely look a gift horse in the mouth. We’ve all heard what they say about making assumptions!

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3 min read

5 Ways Investors Can Access Property Equity Without Selling

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Mar 12, 2024

One of the arguments critics like to use against real estate investment is its lack of liquidity. To access cash, you must endure the rigamarole of selling the property. As any seller knows, this process can be one long headache. 

Fortunately, having cash in hand isn’t the only way to reap the rewards of your property’s equity. Investors should know all of their available options. We’re not necessarily recommending these strategies. They each come with unique benefits and drawbacks, and we urge individuals to do their due diligence.

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3 min read

Strong Fundamentals Mean Investors Prefer SFRs to Flips

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Sep 21, 2023

Fix-and-flip investments might make for compelling programming on HGTV, but investors prefer buy-and-hold rental properties. A recent Investor Sentiment Survey from RCN Capital demonstrated that rentals were the most popular of the three types of residential real estate investments.

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Correction or Crash, Real Estate Investors Will Save the Housing Market

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Mar 2, 2023

There’s an ongoing debate among economists about the state of the real estate market. While the first months of the year give us some idea of where we’ll be throughout 2023, some are still fearful that the market will crash. After all, we’re coming off unprecedented highs, through inflation, and into a recession.

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