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Turnkey Real Estate Investing

4 min read

Pro VS Con: Financing Options for Turnkey Investors

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Jun 6, 2024

What’s the best way to buy an investment property? Just as there are many investment strategies, various financing options are at your disposal, each with drawbacks and benefits. While we certainly have avenues we recommend more than others, every investor should be well-informed about every option.

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4 min read

Are Private Money Lenders Your Best Bet in Real Estate Investment?

By Chris Clothier on Wed, Dec 13, 2017

Financing can be tricky to navigate in real estate investment. For the most part, your average real estate investor won’t be paying for their properties in cash—at least, not in the very beginning. And with limits on the number of mortgages you can take out, there have to be alternative real estate investor financing options, right?

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3 min read

When investing in Memphis Real Estate, Lending is no obstacle

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Apr 6, 2010

Last week I dove into the subject of pricing and how you can buy high quality investment properties at price points that would have been impossible two or three years ago.  However, that’s not the only reason now is the time to jump in the water whether it’s your first or fifth property; in the last 3 months we have seen investment property financing open back up from several of our lending partners.

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