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Turnkey Real Estate Investing

3 min read

Partners in Memphis Real Estate Investing Success - Part 1 of 2

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Jul 15, 2010

MemphisInvest.com has spent years developing a loyal base of customers and continues to grow that base on the strength of the services and products that we offer.  To have others ride that wave is to be expected....but, at some point everyone has to stand on their own feet and actually practice what they preach.

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2 min read

Cusomter Service is Critical for Real Estate Investors in Memphis

By Chris Clothier on Mon, Jun 21, 2010

MemphisInvest.com took on the task of designing a new customer service department over the past year for our real estate investing clients.  The story of my visit to a Chart House in California is a great example of where part of our inspiration comes from...

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1 min read

Investing in Wholesale Properties in Memphis, TN.

By Chris Clothier on Fri, May 28, 2010

I am writing to let you know how impressed I am with your complete done-for-you real estate investing system. I just closed on the re-finance of my second wholesale property in Memphis, and signed the contract for the third. When this third deal is completed, I will have put very little of my own money into any of these wholesale properties and will have a positive monthly cash flow of almost $500 per month on each property after all expenses.

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