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Turnkey Real Estate Investing

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Real Estate Investors Spend Octoberfest with Memphis Invest

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Oct 25, 2012

Memphis Invest Hosts Real Estate Investors

Real Estate investors from 16 states came to Memphis, Tennessee on October 19th and 20th to meet with one the U.S.A.'s premier real estate investment companies, MemphisInvest.com.  Eighty-Four investors spent Saturday with the company learning about Memphis and the opportunity for real estate investors followed by a quick tour of some completed renovations.  The jam-packed education was followed by a great night at the offices of Memphis Invest and Premier Property Management. 

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Investing In Memphis Real Estate - The City & The Comeback!

By Chris Clothier on Sat, Oct 13, 2012

The most common question I get from interested real estate investors is "Why is Memphis a place I want to invest for the long-term?".  This week, Memphis Mayor A.C. Wharton, Jr. made the answer easy for our company...and every other Memphis company spreading the word about our great city. 

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Real Estate Investing - Handcuffed by Lending Standards?

By Chris Clothier on Mon, Oct 8, 2012

Steve Cook published an article in The Niche Report, a magazine about real estate, mortgages and  financing, today that focuses on the dilemma faced by real estate investors who want to participate in the current market.  Too many investors are being shut out, or at the very least limited in their ability, from the opportunity of buying single-family homes.  

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1 min read

What Impact Can Real Estate Investors Really Have?

By Chris Clothier on Sun, Sep 30, 2012

Is Increasing Real Estate Investing An Answer

One of the big debates heading into the Presidential Election surrounds the question of how to get the real estate market moving forward again.  The answer probably lies somewhere in the mix of several things, but part of the solution absolutely should involve real estate investing.  Memphis Invest and BiggerPocket.com sought to create a report that could gauge and measure not only the impact, but the future plans of real estate investors.  When we released our report two weeks ago it grabbed national headlines.  Today, we release our infographic which shows the exact impact that real estate investors can have on the national market - only in a picture form for those who like illustrations better than long reports.  Now, we can only hope our elected officials pay attention and put us to work!

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3 min read

The Role of a Real Estate Investment Firm in the New Economy

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Sep 18, 2012

In today's changing economy, the definition of smart investment choices is changing. According to one recent news story, the expected annual yields for investors in the stock market is significantly lower than it has been over the last century. Rather than returns close to 10 percent, investors can expect closer to an average of five percent yields in the foreseeable future. 

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2 min read

Will the Recovering Housing Market Determine the Presidency?

By Chris Clothier on Mon, Sep 17, 2012

The jury is out about whether the housing market recovery (or lack thereof, depending on your perspective) will have any impact on this year's presidential election. According to a recent CNN Money article, the housing market is showing some significant gains in swing states such as Florida and Nevada, which could certainly play a role in electoral results.

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Passive Income | Real Estate Investing is Crucial for Retirement

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Nov 17, 2011

Real estate is being added to the investment portfolios of Americans and more are looking for real estate to provide a passive income stream in their retirement years.  

Real estate investing sometimes gets a bad rap from investment advisers.  They often prefer REIT's and other supposed easier forms of investing in real estate because it's easy for them to track and control their clients portfolios.  I don't begrudge them for that attitude, I just think it short changes an investor and eliminates a very powerful source of income when investors will need it most...retirement.

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