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Turnkey Real Estate Investing

4 min read

5 Reasons the Turnkey Real Estate Model is Worth Your While

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Feb 27, 2024

If you’re here reading this, you’re at least interested in turnkey real estate. 

With so many ways to invest in real estate, why go turnkey? In this economy, the premium cost of turnkey investing can seem like a deterrent. We’ll tell you right now – not because we want you to invest with us, but because we know from experience – this model works. It continues to work through economic ups and downs, allowing investors to build their wealth without demands on time and expertise. 

From the outset, we want to say this: turnkey real estate investment isn’t for everyone. That’s why before we proceed with any potential client, we have a frank discussion about their goals, resources, and desired investment experience. We’re honest when things don’t line up because everyone deserves the best avenue to lasting wealth, even if that means looking elsewhere.

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3 min read

This Single Virtue will Make or Break Real Estate Investors

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Feb 22, 2024

There are plenty of qualities we’d say are necessary for one’s success as a real estate investor. There are two of the traditional “holy virtues” we’d consider non-negotiable for success: diligence and patience. But let’s be honest, we’ve hammered in the importance of diligence (in the form of due diligence). We’re going to keep talking about it, too. 

It’s almost a given at this point. That’s why we want to discuss the neglected, overlooked, and fundamental virtue of patience.

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3 min read

6 Signs Turnkey Real Estate Investing is Right for You

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Feb 15, 2024

Investing in real estate can be lucrative, offering long-term financial stability and wealth accumulation. While there are countless strategies to employ as a real estate investor, one of the most popular is turnkey SFR (single-family rental) investing. This method appeals to individuals seeking a more hands-off and hassle-free investment experience.

So how does it work?

Turnkey real estate investing involves purchasing properties fully renovated and managed by a third-party company, allowing investors to enjoy passive income without the day-to-day responsibilities of property management. Investors leverage the experience of these turnkey companies, who often buy, renovate, sell, and manage properties in-house, to benefit their portfolios. 

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3 min read

Why You Should Consider Turnkey Real Estate for Your Portfolio in 2024

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Jan 2, 2024

Are you considering your next big wealth-building strategy? Looking for ways to strengthen your portfolio? Look no further: it’s time to go turnkey.

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3 min read

6 Green Flags in a Turnkey Real Estate Company

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Sep 26, 2023

A green flag is the opposite of a red flag. They indicate something positive and worthwhile! If you’re a passive real estate investor, especially one investing out-of-state, you must partner with the right people. Choosing a turnkey partner is no easy feat. After all, some of these companies lack experience, and others lack scruples.

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3 min read

10 Principles for Successful Remote Real Estate Investing

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Feb 7, 2023

Remote investing used to be a scary concept. Investors wouldn’t dream of taking a chance on a market thousands of miles away! But today, we’re more used to distance than ever. Technology shrunk that gap, and that means that investing from a distance is safer and more accessible than ever.

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13 min read

The Fundamentals of Rental Property ROI

By Chris Clothier on Wed, Oct 12, 2022

No matter what assets you invest in, your return on investment (ROI) is the metric that matters. ROI shows how profitable an investment is compared to purchase and operating costs. When investing in real estate, there are ways you benefit that aren’t reflected in pure profits.

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3 min read

Is Turnkey Real Estate Investing Really Worth It?

By Chris Clothier on Wed, Sep 28, 2022

You’ve heard the billionaire success stories, and you’ve seen the statistics. You know that real estate is the best way to build lasting, inflation-resistant wealth.

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3 min read

Retiring Soon? You Should Be Investing in Turnkey Real Estate!

By Chris Clothier on Wed, Sep 7, 2022

If you’ve retired or started seriously planning for retirement, you may think it’s too late to do any worthwhile investing. After all, passive investing can take years, even decades, to really pay off. But that doesn’t mean you don’t have plenty to gain.

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3 min read

Dear Real Estate Investor, Value Your Investing Experience

By Chris Clothier on Fri, Oct 23, 2020

If you’ve ever lived in a rental property or in an apartment, you no doubt have some strong notions about your experience. There’s a stereotype of scummy landlords and derelict properties for a reason: it happens too often. Because we have this idea in our minds that renting is inherently in the category of a “necessary evil,” we come to expect very little from our managers and maintenance teams.

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