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Turnkey Real Estate Investing

3 min read

Entrepreneurship, Incentives & Pushing the Memphis Economy Forward

By Chris Clothier on Wed, Mar 20, 2019

We love Memphis. One of the things near and dear to our heart when we look at this city is its spirit of innovation. As our first investment market and home, we know this city on an even deeper level than the other markets we invest in. One quality that we see more and more is a growing spirit of entrepreneurship.

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2 min read

Real Estate: Memphis Economy Feeling The Impact of Electrolux

By Chris Clothier on Wed, Jul 18, 2012

Local firms have felt the initial impact of Electrolux moving to Memphis to the tune of $64 Million in contracts

When Memphis Invest, GP travels to different parts of the country meeting with investors, one of the first suggestions we make is to forget about the houses for the time being and concentrate on the market.  More to the point, concentrate on the economics of the market and the fundamentals of that economy.  Memphis and even Dallas, which is our newest market (more on that later) both have strong economic prospects.  Once an investor has identified that the market they are studying, then the team and investment property decisions can be made.

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2 min read

Memphis Investment Real Estate | Memphis Jobs Update

By Chris Clothier on Mon, Mar 5, 2012

Memphis Firms Continue Expansion Plans

Several Memphis companies are continuing with plans to expand operations, invest in new equipment and infrastructure and hire new employees.  While there is still some economic uncertainty, there also seems to be an air of optimism surrounding plans by companies headquartered and operating in Memphis for an economic turn-around.  That turn-around is fueling plans for increased warehousing and distribution needs.  We are often asked about the real estate landscape in Memphis and investing in Memphis property has as much to do with the economic outlook as it does the house itself when it comes to long-term success.  Investors should be looking for areas of the country that are stable and reliable when it comes to the greater economy as that will be a sure driver for real estate demand.

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2 min read

Memphis Real Estate | Good News Keeps Coming

By Chris Clothier on Mon, Jan 16, 2012

Three research or news organizations have ranked Memphis real estate at or near the top of major real estate news stories over the past few months with a brand new research paper being released this past week showing Memphis as the #2 market in the country for affordability.  The Council for Community and Economic Research (C2ER) gathers data from 309 urban areas to rank them in their Cost of Living Index (COLI) and Memphis has always ranked as one of the most affordable cities to live in as well as raise a family and invest.

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1 min read

Real Estate Investing | 1 More BIG Reason to Invest in Real Estate

By Chris Clothier on Sat, Nov 5, 2011

I wrote this blog after reading an article in the local Memphis newspaper, The Commercial Appeal.     

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2 min read

Real Estate Investing | Crime is Down in Memphis, Did You Know?

By Chris Clothier on Mon, Oct 3, 2011

I make it a point to try and get as much information onMemphis, Tennessee and especially the real estate industry every day.  Often that means reading as many different newspapers, periodicals and blogs to make sure I am up to date and able to tell the most accurate story possible about investing in Memphis.  Every once in a while, I come across something that, even though it doesn't have anything to do with real estate investing...it does!

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2 min read

Memphis Investment Real Estate | New Brewery to Add 500 More Jobs

By Chris Clothier on Wed, Mar 30, 2011

If you've heard Memphis Invest speak at various events around the country, you've heard us talk about the 'intangibles' that make Memphis investment properties unique when compared to other real estate investing cities.  One of the unique characteristics that makes Memphis a great city for real estate investors is the location and, because of location, the industries that support the city.  Here is another great example of the tremendous economic growth that is expected for the city and how that growth effects real estate investors.

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2 min read

Memphis Investment Real Estate | January & February by the Numbers

By Chris Clothier on Fri, Mar 11, 2011

Memphis, Tennessee  - Chandler Reports, the leading provider of real estate data, research and consulting information in the West Tennessee area, released the final numbers for real estate transactions in the Memphis area for February 2011.  After leading the Memphis greater metropolitan area for home sales in 2010, Memphis Invest has started 2011 strong leading both January and February in home sales.

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2 min read

Memphis Real Estate | Improving Economics have RE Investors Smiling

By Chris Clothier on Sat, Feb 26, 2011

Real Estate investors buying discount properties in Memphis have been keeping a sharp eye lately on the economic numbers coming out.  Some of the big story lines that have so many excited are those around employment.  With Memphis landing several big announcements in the past two months from major international companies, economic recovery and the roll Memphis is going to play for the nation seems to be forefront.

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2 min read

Memphis Real Estate Investing | Memphis Invest helps small businesses

By Chris Clothier on Wed, Feb 23, 2011

Memphis, Tennessee has not been immune to the pains of a slow economy and some small companies have certainly suffered over the past few years.  However, while the economy has put the squeeze on many small businesses and single man operations, the investment housing boom in cities like Memphis has helped some small businesses flourish. MemphisInvest.com, formally known as Memphis Invest, GP, is a family owned real estate investment company who has led a resurgence for several local small businesses and even helped grow their services during the recession.

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