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Turnkey Real Estate Investing

3 min read

4 Factors Keeping Investors on Board with SFRs

By Chris Clothier on Thu, May 18, 2023

The state of the U.S. real estate market may have you questioning whether or not investing in real estate is worth it. Let’s get this out of the way: every stage and season of the market carries distinct challenges and advantages. It doesn’t benefit your portfolio to wish for a bygone era.

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3 min read

8 Qualities in SFRs that Keep Residents Coming Back for More

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Mar 21, 2023

Building a real estate investment empire isn’t about owning the most properties, charging the highest rates, or investing in the most luxurious markets. Success as an SFR investor comes through a high level of service and consistency. Your greatest asset apart from your properties is the people inhabiting them.

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3 min read

Rental Growth May Be Slowing, But the Outlook Is Positive

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Mar 9, 2023

Despite the ups and downs of the real estate market over the past few quarters, the single-family rental market has been on fire. Even though the tide of the market seems to be shifting in favor of buyers again, a robust seller’s market, oppressive asking prices, and tight inventory have left many looking to rent not just for the present, but for the long term.

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3 min read

The Countercyclical Nature of SFRs Makes a Wise Recession-Era Investment

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Feb 23, 2023

If you look at the headlines, you’ll see people questioning the wisdom of investing in real estate in the current market climate. And we won’t lie, things are different now. And while “different,” may mean pivoting to address new challenges, it doesn’t make investing in SFRs any less valuable than it always has been.

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4 min read

Are Your Financial Advisors Recommending Turnkey SFRs?

By Chris Clothier on Wed, Dec 21, 2022

If someone asked you what the absolute essentials they need to know are for your industry, what would you say? It’s a question we’ve been thinking about. After all, there’s a lot you could say about investing in single-family rentals. What you need to know often goes together with dispelling some misconceptions about the industry.

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3 min read

6 Year-End Financial Tips for SFR Investors

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Dec 6, 2022

Right now, you have the prime opportunity to review, assess, and strategize for the coming year. There’s plenty of legwork for investors to get done, so don’t miss out on these important financial strategies.

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3 min read

Is It A Good Idea to Refinance Your Rental Property?

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Oct 11, 2022

Refinancing it’s reserved for your primary residence. Investors can get a leg up on the competition by wisely refinancing their rental properties. 

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3 min read

The Death of the Starter Home Makes SFRs Indispensable

By Chris Clothier on Wed, Oct 5, 2022

The starter home is dead.

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4 min read

Top 10 Things to Know About SFR Investing

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Aug 30, 2022

Whether you're new to investing, or simply want to explore options in your real estate portfolio, we're here to help you get the facts on single-family rentals (SFR).

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2 min read

New Property Alert - Check out available properties from REI Nation!

By Chris Clothier on Mon, Aug 15, 2022

With this week's spotlight, we're including one of our most valuable resources, The Bank Book video. 

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