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3 min read

Memphis Real Estate Picks Up for Homebuying Season

By Chris Clothier on Fri, May 29, 2015

Welcome to the peak home buying season of the year! The first quarter of 2015 was sluggish in many real estate markets, Memphis included. The cold temperatures combined with lingering recession struggles and aftereffects of the market crash meant that things were slow to take off.  But now, it looks like Memphis real estate is in for an upturn.  One big reason...real estate investing!  As more and more are turning to renting a property rather than buying, the opportunity for real estate investors continues to grow.

Don’t get us wrong, the market wasn’t bad in the first quarter — homes were selling and home building was on the rise in Shelby County. There just wasn’t significant growth during the difficult months of February and March. By the same token, there wasn’t a decline in growth, either, which has lead to much optimism for the second quarter among real estate professionals.

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10 min read

The Truth About Turnkey Real Estate

By Chris Clothier on Thu, May 28, 2015

This may be one of the most important articles on real estate you read, so pay close attention. Those words are not just hype either. This is an important topic for my family and our company.  We have seen many investors get hurt by purchasing Turnkey properties from unscrupulous companies.  However, we have seen even more investors get hurt by purchasing from inexperienced companies who use marketing gimmicks to sell their properties.  

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3 min read

4 Things to Know About the Houston Real Estate Market for 2015

By Chris Clothier on Sat, Nov 22, 2014

As investors, we always need to keep pace with the markets we have our hands in and have our eyes peeled for what’s growing. Memphis Invest grew into the Dallas, TX market going on three years ago and that market has really taken off.  Today we have an incredible team at Dallas Invest, which is simply a satellite office.  A brand name if you will offering the same quality as Memphis and developing the same standards and culture as Memphis and the market is really responding well.

Lat year, we turned our eyes toward Houston, Texas as demand for more property from our clients continued to grow.  We wanted to offer choice.  But not just any choice...

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2 min read

A Great Day With Real Estate Investors in Dallas

By Chris Clothier on Sun, Oct 12, 2014

We had a great day on Saturday October 11th at the Gaylord Texan in Grapevine Texas.  Thank you to all of the real estate investors who came to spend the morning with us!

We have several events each year around the country to visit with real estate investors directly.  Each fall we host an event in Dallas and each spring, we host an event in Memphis.  We also travel once a year to Southern California and New York.

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6 min read

2014 Mid-Year Review for the Memphis Invest Family of Companies

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Jul 31, 2014

Well, we are halfway through the year and we are looking at a cup that is ready to over-flow not only for our company and our team, but for every real estate investing client we work for.  And...make no mistake about it, we WORK FOR over 800 clients around the country every day!

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3 min read

College Grads Hit the Houston Real Estate Market

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Jun 3, 2014

Millennials don’t have it as easy as we like to think. Recent college graduates deal with a slew of financial stresses thanks to the state of the U.S. economy and it appears that buying real estate is only one of those stresses. It feels nearly impossible to attend college without incurring some amount of student debt, and the job market, while improving, is still challenging. It’s hard to start a life and find success if you can’t find a job with that new degree.  If you can't find a job, then you sure can't buy a first home much less invest in real estate.  

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3 min read

Customer Service Is Not A "Spare Time" Attitude!

By Chris Clothier on Wed, Nov 13, 2013

Carol Henderson and Cyndy McCrary of the Memphis Invest customer service team spent two days last week at the Secret Service Summit event in Ohio learning from and working with some of the top customer service experts in the country.  IT was a great opportunity for the team to get a first hand look at how other companies and even some of the experts in the field of customer service are staying ahead of their competitors and providing great service to their clients.  We have been asked before why we put such a focus on customer service and why we are constantly telling the story of being really great at it for our clients.  I think that receiving thank you notes like this one really sum up our commitment:

 "Thank you Laurie, that is good news!  I appreciate you keeping me up to date.  I feel like I am your only client".

M. Howard

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4 min read

7 Great Customer Service Books For "Wowing" Real Estate Clients!

By Chris Clothier on Thu, Sep 12, 2013

Creating a great experience for clients does not have to be a goal that is reserved only for hotels, restaurants and car companies.  If you provide a service for customers like we do, then the Only goal for your company should be hearing your clients say 'wow'.  In our company, the service is managing a real estate investors rental housing portfolio.  That management process has many opportunities for us to really engage and amaze our clients with great service, great updates and surprise, unexpected touches.  Going above and beyond the "normal" property management duties has become our mission and we have engaged the help of a few resources along the way!

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4 min read

Real Estate Strategies: Indicators That It's Time to Buy

By Chris Clothier on Mon, Aug 5, 2013

Real estate is a fickle beast. There are ebbs and flows, ups and downs, and...well, you catch my drift. Real estate investing is not like buying a car or a computer or a new refrigerator where you can point to a certain day on the calendar and know what something will cost on that day.  Real estate investing is all about trends and the key is to be able to recognize trends. Is it a buyer's market or a seller's market? Is it a market that's in transition from one to the other? If so, how rapidly is the market changing?  More importantly, is the information I am watching actually telling me something or is the trend a very subtle one meaning that even as it moves - in either direction - the timing is still good for buying real estate.

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2 min read

3 Real Estate Quotes to Keep You Motivated

By Chris Clothier on Tue, Jul 2, 2013

Sometimes we all need a little bit of motivation. Football players watch Rudy, runners listen to the theme music from Chariots of Fire, and artists stroll the halls of the Louvre to draw inspiration from the masters. Whatever your occupation or field of interest, it's important to stay motivated. The right motivation can keep us from becoming stagnant, which is vital, for stagnation leads to mediocrity.

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